Author/Editor     Krofel, Miha; Pohar, Vida; Kos, Ivan
Title     O domnevni prisotnosti iberskega risa (Lynx pardinus (Temminck, 1872)) v mlajšem pleistocenu na območju Slovenije
Translated title     On the presumed presence of the Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus (Temminck, 1872)) during the upper pleistocene in the territory of Slovenia
Type     članek
Source     Razpr - Slov akad znan umet, Razr naravosl vede
Vol. and No.     Letnik 46, št. 1
Publication year     2005
Volume     str. 83-95
Language     slo
Abstract     The article presents a revision of the presumed Upper Pleistocene finds of the Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus) from Parska golobina (SW Slovenia). The revision showed that the two described lower canines are actually upper canines of the Eurasian badger (Meles meles). The additional upper canine, which we were not able to find in the collection and has probably been lost, most likely belongs to the wildcat (Felis cf. silvestris). Since these were the only finds of the Iberian lynx in Slovenia, its presence in the territory of Slovenia during the Upper Pleistocene can not be confirmed. Additionally, we also discuss the occurrence of the Iberian lynx in the South-eastern Europe.
Summary     V prispevku predstavljamo revizijo domnevnih najdb iberskega risa (Lynx pardinus) iz mladopleistocenskih plasti Parske golobine. Za opisana spodnja kanina se je izkazalo, da gre za zgornja kanina jazbeca (Meles meles). Tretji, prav tako zgornji kanin, ki ga med najdbami ni bilo mogoče najti in je očitno izgubljen, najverjetneje pripada divji mački (Felis cf. silvestris). Ker so bile to do sedaj edine znane najdbe iberskega risa v Sloveniji, prisotnosti te vrste v mlajšem pleistocenu pri nas ne moremo potrditi. V nadaljevanju obravnavamo še pojavljanje iberskega risa na območju jugovzhodne Evrope.
Descriptors     PALEONTOLOGY