Author/Editor     Fister, P; Kornhauser-Cerar, L
Title     Pogostnost prirojenih napak pri otrocih, rojenih po oploditvi z biomedicinsko pomočjo
Translated title     The incidence of congenital anomalies in children born after assisted reproductive technologies
Type     članek
Source     Slov Pediatr
Vol. and No.     Letnik 13, št. 4
Publication year     2006
Volume     str. 200-4
Language     slo
Abstract     Assisted reproductive technologies are being more and more frequently used for the treatment of different kinds of infertility. Major advances have been made in the treatment protocols for infertility in the last 28 years. However, there is a limited number of studies assessing the health of children born after assisted reproductive technologies. Data on the incidence of congenital malformations in these children are not reliable. Some published studies have reported more congenital malformations in children after assisted reproductive technologies compared to children after spontaneous conception, while others did not find any differences in the incidence of malformations between the groups. There is convincing evidence that children conceived after intracytoplasmic sperm injection have more congenital anomalies and genetic imprinting disorders. It is difficult to assess the contribution of the treatment effects themselves and parental background factors associated with infertility. In addition, all published reports have methodological limitations. Further well-designed, long-term studies are needed to confirm the results of these studies and empirical data on the increased incidence of complications during pregnancy and labour and in neonates after assisted reproductive technologies. In the light of current knowledge it is necessary to closely monitor children after assisted
Summary     Pri zdravljenju različnih vrst neplodnosti se vse več uporabljajo postopki oploditve z biomedicinsko pomočjo. Pri protokolih zdravljenja neplodnosti je biL v zadnjih 28 letih narejen velik napredek, nizko pa je število raziskav, ki so ocenjevale zdravje otrok, rojenih po oploditvi z biomedicinsko pomočjo. Nezanesljivi so tudi podatki o pojavljanju prirojenih napak pri njih: objavljene so tako raziskave, ki opisujejo več prirojenib napak v primerjavi z otroki po spontani zanositvi, in take, ki razlik niso našle. Le pri otrocih, spočetih z metodo neposrednega vnosa semenčice v citoplazmo jajčne celice, obstajajo prepričljivi dokazi, da je napak več. Težko je določiti, koliko na večje pojavljanje napak po oploditvi z biomedicinsko pomočjo vpliva metoda zdravljenja in koliko dejavniki, povezani z neplodnostjo staršev. Objavljene raziskave imajo metodološke omejitve, zato bo v prihodnosti treba rezultate teh raziskav ter empirične podatke o več zapletih po oploditvi z biomedicinsko pomočjo v nosečnosti, ob porodu in pri novorojenčku potrditi z dobro načrtovanimi raziskavami z dolgotrajnim spremljanjem. Do tedaj je nujno rast in razvoj otrok, rojenih po oploditvi z biomedicinsko pomočjo, pozorno spremljati, ker imajo lahko v primerjavi z otroki po spontani zanositvi večje tveganje za zaplete.