Author/Editor     Kopač, M
Title     Zastrupitve s strupenimi rastlinami pri otrocih
Translated title     Ingestion of toxic plants in children
Type     članek
Source     Slov Pediatr
Vol. and No.     Letnik 13, št. 4
Publication year     2006
Volume     str. 205-16
Language     slo
Abstract     Plant ingestion by children is a relatively common occurrence, with most cases resolving without significant consequences. Despite this, every case of plant ingestion should be viewed as potentially serious until the plant is identified or enough time has elapsed to conclude that it is nontoxic. Plant species with attractive, red. fleshy berries are especially dangerous for children. Nearly three-quarters of all plant poisonings occur in children under six years of age, accounting for 5% of toxic exposures in this age group. Numerous environmental factors, most involving reduced parental attention, are associated with an increased risk of plant poisoning in young children. The clinical manifestations of plant poisoning in children can range from mild skin irritation and gastrointestinal upset, to severe impairment of consciousness and cardiac arrhythmias, depending on the type of plant exposure, the route of exposure and the dose. Most cases of plant poisoning in children arc mild because they usually involve nibbling certain parts of the plants, with exposure to only smell amounts of poisons. The majority of asymptomatic patients with ingestion of small quantities of Fruit of poisonous plants do not require medical care and can be treated by observation alone. The features of intoxication with yew, holly and some other toxic plants are presented in the article.
Summary     Zaužitje strupenih rastlin je pri majhnih otrocih sorazmerno pogosto in večinoma mine brez hujših posledic, vendar moramo kljub temu vsako tako zaužitje obravnavati resno, dokler ne prepoznamo rastline, ali dokler ne preteče dovolj časa, preden lahko zaključimo, da je bilo neškodljivo. Otrokom so lahko nevarne zlasti tiste vrste, ki imajo vpadljive, privlačne, rdeče obarvane plodove. Skoraj tri četrtine zastrupitev s strupenimi rastlinami se zgodi pri otrocib, mlajših od šestih let, kar znaša 5% vseh zastrupitev v tej starostni skupini. Več dejavnikov okolja, pri katerih zasledimo zmanjšano pozornost staršev, zveča tveganje za zastrupitev z rastlinami. Klinična slika tovrstnih zastrupitev pri otrocih lahko variira od blagega draženja kože, gastrointestinalne simptomatike do hudih motenj zavesti ali motenj srčnega ritma, kar je odvisno od rastlinske vrste, načina vnosa strupa v telo in odmerka. Večina primerov zastrupitve z rastlinami pri otrocih poteka v blagi obliki, saj so otroci večinoma izpostavljeni majhnemu odmerku strupov zaradi grizljanja posameznih delov rastline. Zaužitje majhne količine plodov strupenih rastlin pri asimptomatskem otroku razen kliničnega opazovanja ne zahteva dodatnih terapevtskih ukrepov. V prispevku sledi predstavitev značilnosti zastrupitve s tiso, bodiko in nekaterimi drugimi strupenimi rastlinami.
Descriptors     PLANT POISONING