Author/Editor     Kadivec, Saša; Košnik, Mitja
Title     Kako doseči partnersko sodelovanje s pacientom z astmo
Translated title     How to achieve partnership cooperation with asthma patients
Type     članek
Source     Obz Zdrav Nege
Vol. and No.     Letnik 40, št. 4
Publication year     2006
Volume     str. 215-22
Language     slo
Abstract     Partnership with patient is essential for the successful following of a disease. The most successful ways to build partnership are team work and active involvement of the patient in the treatment process. In the frames of partnership, the patient has the opportunity to make a phone call to the doctor or nurse, or to make an e-mail contact. At the University Clinic of Respiratory and Allergic Diseases Golnik such approach has been used in the frames of Lung Diseases and Allergy Clinic. A nurse makes a phone call to a patient once a month and asks him or her about his or her problems; they fill out the questionnaire on asthma control together. In case of any discrepancies with the expected results, a doctor is contacted. The questionnaire by means of which the patients assess their asthma control is called "asthma control test". The assessment of 11 patients included in partnership treatment plan reveals that the discrepancies between the actual and aimed at results have gradually diminished from the first follow up on. The average time in which the patients achieved the aimed at result was 36 days.
Summary     Za uspešno spremljanje bolezni je pomembno s pacientom vzpostaviti partnerski odnos. Najboljša načina za vzpostavitev partnerskega odnosa sta timsko delo in aktivno vključevanje pacienta v proces zdravljenja. Pacient ima pri partnerskem odnosu možnost, da zdravniku ali medicinski sestri telefonira v primeru težav. Lahko uporablja tudi elektronsko komuniciranje. V Kliničnem oddelku za pljučne bolezni in alergijo Golnik uporabljajo takšen način v pulmološko alergološki ambulanti. Medicinska sestra mesečno pokliče pacienta domov, ga povpraša o problemih, skupaj izpolnita vprašalnik o nadzoru astme nato medicinska sestra glede na odstopanja od predvidenega rezultata vzpostavi stik z zdravnikom. Orodje, s katerim pacient obdobno ocenjuje, ali ima astmo pod nadzorom, je vprašalnik »test nadzora astme«. Vrednotenje 11 pacientov, ki so vključeni v partnerski način zdravljenja pokaže, da so se razlike med dejanskim in ciljnim rezultatom zmanjšale s časom, ki je pretekel od prvega pregleda. Povprečni čas, v katerem so pacienti dosegli ciljni rezultat, je bil 36 dni.
Descriptors     ASTHMA