Author/Editor     Košnik, Mitja; Šuškovič, Stanislav; Fležar, Matjaž; Osolnik, Katarina; Zidarn, Mihaela; Škrgat, Sabina; Kadivec, Saša
Title     Sodobno vodenje trajne astme
Translated title     Modern management of persistent asthma
Type     članek
Source     Obz Zdrav Nege
Vol. and No.     Letnik 40, št. 4
Publication year     2006
Volume     str. 223-8
Language     slo
Abstract     Asthma afflicts at least 5% of the population. The patients have difficulties in breathing because air ways are narrowed due to the inflammation process. Measures which abate asthma inflammation help to control the disease. The inflammation is coped with by elimination of allergens and irritants and, above all, by use of antinflammatory drugs. Research performed on the control of asthma all over the world reveal that in everyday life, not many patients achieve such a degree of control over the disease as it has been proven possible in clinical research. The weak point of clinical directions used for asthma control at the moment lies in the fact that they are mostly drug prescription oriented. The fact remains that the course of the disease can be most efficiently influenced upon by health education and by intensifying the patient's own engagement in the treatment process.
Summary     Astmo ima vsaj 5% ljudi. Bolnike duši, ker se zaradi astmatskega vnetja zožijo dihalne poti. Ukrepi, ki zmanjšajo astmatsko vnetje, izboljšajo astmo. Vnetje zmanjšujemo z odstranjevanjem alergenov in dražljivcev ter predvsem z uporabo protivnetnih zdravil. Raziskave urejenosti astme po vsem svetu pokažejo, da v vsakdanjem življenju le malo bolnikov doseže tako dobro stanje urejenosti bolezni, kakršno je možno doseči v kliničnih raziskavah. Trenutno veljavne svetovne smernice za obravnavo astme imajo pomanjkljivost, da se osrediščajo v glavnem na predpisovanje zdravil. Dejstvo pa je, da na urejenost bolezni lahko vplivamo predvsem z zdravstveno vzgojo in večanjem zavzetosti bolnikov za zdravljenje.
Descriptors     ASTHMA