Author/Editor     Lužnik, Marijan
Title     Pooperativno ovrednotenje nenapetostnega vaginalnega traku (TVT) 2 do 6 let po posegu: raziskava na osnovi ankete
Translated title     A 2 to 6 year postoperative evaluation of tension-free vaginal tape (TVT): a questionnaire based study
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 75, št. 12
Publication year     2006
Volume     str. 817-22
Language     slo
Abstract     Background The purpose of this article is to show the long-term subjective cure rate of urinary incontinence in patients after the tension free vaginal tape (TVT) procedure and eventual correlation of some factors with this cure rate. Methods From December 1999 to July 2004 we performed one hundred and fifty TVT procedures at our Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics. In April 2006, a 2 to 6 year postoperatively, 149 questionnaires were sent to our patients for self-estimation of the cure rate. The subjective evaluation of results of the operation was based on definition of the improvement of continence in percents, with 23 possibilities ranging from -20% to 100%. With tests of correlation we wish to establish eventual connection between the cure rate of urinary incontinence and the age of women at the time of operation and the number o fpostoperative years. Statistical significance of eventual influence of independent variables on cure rate was analyzed using nonparametric tests in Statistical Program Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Results Of 119 answers, in 40 cases (33.6%) patients confirmed that they are completely healthy; and 87 women (73.1%) confirmed at least 70% cure rate. 100 answers confirmed that 87.6% patients had benefited by TVTprocedure even 2 to 6 years postoperatively. Correlation between the long-term cure rate and the patient's age at time of operation had Pearsoy's correlation coefficient r = -0.335 and was statistically significant (p = 0.01). Statistically significuntly different success was still in the groups with regard to the previous hysterectomy (p = 0.005) and the previous surgical procedure for urinary incontinence (p = 0.001). There was no statistically significant difference between the cure rate and the number of postoperative years (p = 0.236). (Abstract truncated at 2000 characters)
Summary     Izhodišča Namen prispevka je prikazati, kakšno je dolgoročno subjektivno izboljšanje urinske inkontinence za bolnice, ki so bile zdravljene z nenapetostnim nožničnim trakom (TVT), ter morebitno povezanost nekaterih dejavnikov z dolgoročno oceno uspeha TVT operacije. Metode Na Oddelku za ginekologijo in porodništvo smo od decembra 1999 do julija 2004 opravili 150 minimalno invazivnih operativnih posegov TVT - nenapetostni vaginalni trak. 149 operirankam smo v aprilu 2006 to je po dveh do šestih letih, poslali anketo za samooceno uspeha zdravljenja inkontinence. Subjektivna ocena uspeha operacije je temeljila na samoopredelitvi izboljšanja kontinence v odstotkih, s trinajstimi možnimi izbirami od -20% do 100%. Z metodo korelacije smo ugotavljali morebitno povezanost med dolgoročnim uspehom operacije in starostjo bolnic ob operaciji ter uspehom in številom let, ki so potekla od operacije. Statistično značilnost morebitnega vpliva neodvisnih spremenljivk na samooceno izboljšanja inkontinence smo preizkušali z neparametričnimi testi v statističnem programskem paketu SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences). Rezultati Od 119 odgovorov so v 40 primerih bolnice (33,6%) potrdile, da so povsem ozdravljene, vsaj 70-odstotni uspeh zdravljenja je bil pri 87 operirankah (73,1%). 100 anketirank (87,6%) je navedlo korist od posega tudi po 2 do 6 letih. Korelacija med dolgoročnim uspehom TVT operacije in starostjo operirank ima Pearsonov korelacijski koeficient r = -0,335 in je statistično značilna (p = 0, 01). Statistično značilno različen uspeh smo ugotovili v skupinah glede na stanje po histerektomiji (p = 0, 005) in glede na prejšnje inkontinenčne operacije (p = 0, 001). Med stopnjo ozdravitve in številom let, ki so potekla od operacije, ni bilo mogoče ugotoviti kakšne povezave niti statistično značilne razlike (p = 0,236). (Izvleček prekinjen pri 2000 znakih)