Author/Editor     Petrič, G; Lamovec, J; Kansky, A
Title     Actinic reticuloid-like cutaneous T cell lymphoma
Type     članek
Source     Acta Dermatovenerol Alp Panon Adriat
Vol. and No.     Letnik 1, št. 4
Publication year     1992
Volume     str. 119-24
Language     eng
Abstract     According to textbooks mycosis fungoides (MF), Sezary syndrome (SS) and various cutaneous T cell lymphomas (CTCL) are clearly defined nosologic entities. Sometimes cases are encountered which are difficult to assign to one of the above named entities. The case of a 52-year old patient is described with cutaneous manifestations closely resembling the Sezary syndrome with traits of photosensitivity, with malignant cells characteristic of a lymphoma of high grade of malignancy in the lymph nodes and in the skin, but without Lutzner cells in peripheral blood. Treatment with chemotherapeutics Cyclophosphamid, Adrioblastin and Vincristin, Bleomycin, C)ncovin resulted in an only limited success, while the introduction of methotrexate 180 mg once weekly proved to be very efficient.
Descriptors     SEZARY SYNDROME