Author/Editor     Agatonović, Aleš; Kern, Izidor; Globočnik, Marta; Požek, Igor; Tomič, Viktorija; Kalan, Gregor; Triller, Nadja
Title     Strongiloidoza pri bolnici z zmanjšanim imunskim odzivom
Translated title     Immunocompromised patient with strongyloidosis
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 76, št. 2
Publication year     2007
Volume     str. 87-90
Language     slo
Abstract     Strongyloidosis is a parasitosis caused by a nematode Strongyloides stercoralis. It is endemic in tropical and subtropical regions, but rarely encountered in temperate areas. Most patients present zvith non-specific symptoms or they have no symptoms. The disease evolves into hyperinfection syndrome or disseminated disease in immunocompromised patients characterized by high mortality rates. Early diagnosis and effective treatment are o f major importance. Drugs such as mebendazol and albendazol are used in therapy. Antibiotics are used for possible concurrent bacterial infections. We present the case of a 73-year-old woman who has chronic obstructive pulmonary disease receiving corticosteroid therapy. She was complaining about chronic abdominal discomfort characterized by intermittent diarrhoea and constipation. Occasionally, she was presenting with red rash. The laboratory findings: eosinophilia, anemia and a positive hematest in a stool specimen. The eggs and larvae of the parasite were identified by the procedures of biopsy and histological examination of duodenal mucosa. The parasite was found in sputum, too - the proof of the invasion into the lungs. The patient was treated with mebendazol and albendazol. The examination of successive stool and sputum .specimens after the treatment showed no eggs or larvae.
Summary     Strongiloidoza je parazitoza, ki jo povzroča glista Strongyloides stercoralis. Je endemična v tropskih in subtropskih predelih. V zmernotoplem pasu se pojavlja zelo redko. Pri večini bolnikov se kaže z nespecifičnimi simptomi ali pa je asimptomatska. Pri imunsko oslabljenih bolnikih preide v t. i. hiperinfekcijski sindrom ali v diseminirano obliko z visoko smrtnostjo, zato je bistvenega pomena zgodnja diagnoza in takojšnje zdravljenje. Za zdravljenje uporabljajo mebendazol in albendazol, pri bakterijski okužbi tudi antibiotike. Opisan je primer 73-letne bolnice s kronično obstruktivno pljučno boleznijo tretje stopnje. Prejemala je kortikosteroidno zdravljenje. Navajala je dalj časa trajajoče prebavne težave z izmenjujočimi se driskami in zaprtjem. Po trupu in rokah je imela občasno rdeče izpuščaje. Preiskave so pokazale nepojasnjeno eozinofilijo, anemijo in kri v blatu. S histološko preiskavo biopsije sluznice dvanajstnika smo odkrili jajčeca in ličinke zajedavca Strongyloides stercoralis. S prikazom ličink v izpljunku smo dokazali oz potrdili razsoj tega zajedavca v pljuča. Bolnico smo zdravili z mebendazolom in albendazolom. Po zdravljenju v blatu in izpljunku zajedavca nismo več našli.