Author/Editor     Židanik, Miloš; Pastirk, Samo; Mrzlekar-Svetel, Danijela
Title     Socialne predstave o alkoholikih
Translated title     Social perceptions about alcoholics
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 76, št. 1
Publication year     2007
Volume     str. 11-7
Language     slo
Abstract     Research among adults has yielded some conclusions about the stigma of mental illness. First, people with mental illness are stigmatised more severely than those with physical health conditions and those who abuse alcohol are viewed more harshly than those with mental illness. The aim of our study was to identify the stigma and self-stigmatisation in our cultural background regarding sex, level of drinking, the identity of an alcoholic, age and educational level. A semi-structural questionnaire was applied to patients (n = 337, who were in outpatient clinic for treating alcoholism and patients from family medicine practice. We used t-test and factor analysis for the comparison of samples. Women had more negative social attributions and presumptions than men and were also more emphatic towards alcoholics. People without the identity of an alcoholic had more negative presumptions, there were more negative and positive presumptions with advanced age and less with a higher level of education. With a higher education there was also a higher level of empathy towards alcoholics. In our cultural background we have a very high level of alcoholism treatment will have to change our own social presumptions about the stigma in gcmeral population, that will have an influence on some of our therapeutic interventions in the alcoholism treatment.
Summary     Psihiatrični bolniki in med njimi še posebej alkoholiki so predmet stigmatizacije, negativnih socialnih predstav in predsodkov. Namen naše raziskave je bilpreveriti stigmatizacijo in samostigmatizacijo alkoholikov v našem kulturnem okolju primerjalno glede na spol, uživanje alkoholnih pijač identiteto alkoholika, starost in izobrazbeno strukturo. 17 porabili smo na pol strukturiran vprašalnik s postavkami, vezanimi na različne socialne predstave glede alkoholikov. Anketirance (n = 337 smo vzorčili v Dispanzerju za zdravljenje alkoholizma in dveh ambulantah splošne/družinske medicine. Podatke smo obdelali s pomočjo t-testa in faktorske analize podatkov. Ženske so bolj obtežile postavke z negativnimi predstavami in postavke z več empatije do alkoholikov, moški so bili do odvisnih prizanesljivejši in brez empatije, Z ljudje brez identitete alkoholika so imeli več negativnih predstav, s starostjo je naraščala obtežitev tako negativnih kot pozitivnih predstav, z višjo izobrazbo pa je bilo manj tako negativnih kotpozitivnih predstav in več empatičnega zaznavanja alkoholikov. V našem kulturnem okolju je stigmatizacija alkoholikov zelo visoka in močnejša od samostigmatizacije. Z višjo izobrazbo izzveneva. Terapevti, ki se ukvarjamo z zdravljenjem odvisnih od alkoholikov, smo morali revidirati lastne predstave glede stigmatizacije naših bolnikov, kar bo vplivalo tudi na naš terapevtski pristop.
Descriptors     ALCOHOLISM