Author/Editor     Završnik, Tončka; Kuder, Lucija
Title     Okužbe v nosečnosti nekoč in danes
Translated title     Infection in pregnancy in the past and today
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 45, št. Suppl 3
Publication year     2006
Volume     str. 3-10
Language     slo
Abstract     Infection during pregnancy is a particular condition, because two patients are at risk - mother and fetus. Despite of development of new antibiotics and preventive actions such as vaccinations, infection presents a great risk in the obstetric practice. Development of knowledge on infections and their influence on morbidity and mortality of pregnant women and newborns was presented on basis of comparison between infections during pregnancy and after birth in different time periods. The results were collected with analysing obstetrics textbooks, publications on bacterial and other infections in obstetrics as well as by reviewing the Medline database between 2000 and 2006 with the key words »infect, pregnancy, perinatal outcome«. Infection during pregnancy and after birth by pathogenic microorganisms proceeds more severely and with more complications because of the weakened resistance and physical changes. Puerperal sepsis was a cause of high maternal mortality rate in the past. The consequences of infection during pregnancy for the fetus were abortion, premature delivery and stillbirth. Today the research is concentrated on AIDS. There are not many patients with this disease in Slovenia. Therefore the emphasis is on screening for syphilis, toxoplasmosis and hepatitis B. A great deal of attention is being paid to infections of the urinary tract and lower genital tract during the pregnancy also to prevent premature delivery and neonatal infecrion. Education and a healthy way of life are essential for maintaining of the health. It is very important that all pregnant women obtain basic health care. The most effective prevention for infection is vaccination. Other important preventive measurements are regular prenatal care, systematic testing for infective agents in all pregnant women and healing of infections in their early stage.
Summary     Okužba med nosečnosvjo predstavlja posebno stanje, ker sta ogrožena dva bolnika - mati in plod. Kljub razvoju novih ancibiotikov in preventivnih ukrepov, kot so cepljenja, predstavljajo okužbe veliko nevarnost v porodniški praksi. Primerjali sva pomen okužbe v nosečnosti in po porodu v različnih časovnih obdobjih in prikazali razvoj znanja o okužbah in njihov vpliv na obolevnost in umrljivost nosečnic in novorojenčkov. Podatke sva dobili s pregledom učbenikov porodništva, slovenskih publikacij o bekterijskih in drugih infekcijah v perinatologiji, pregledom baze podatkov Medline od 2000 do 2006 s ključnimi besedami "infect, pregnancy, perinatal outcome". Okužba s patogenimi mikroorganizmi poteka v nosečnosti in po porodu težje in z več zapleti zaradi zmanjšane odpornosri in telesnih sprememb. V preteklosti je bila poporodna sepsa vzrok za visoko maternalno umrljivost. Posledice okužb v nosečnosti za plod so bili splavi, prezgodnji porodi in mrtvorojenost. Danes je največ pozornosti raziskovalcev posvečeno preučevanju AIDSa. V Sloveniji je tega obolenja malo. Oskrba nosečnic je usmerjena v iskanje okužb s povzročitelji sifilisa, toksoplazmoze in hepatitisa B. Veliko pozornosti je namenjeno tudi okužbi sečil in spodnjega genitalnega trakta v nosečnosti v povezavi s prezgodnjim porodom ter preprečevanje obporodne okužbe novorojenčka. Izobraževanje ljudi in zdrave življenjske navade so ključne za ohranjanje zdravja. Pomembna je dostopnost osnovne zdravstvene oskrbe za vse nosečnice. Najbolj učinkovit preventivni ukrep pred okužbo je cepljenje. Drugi pomembni preventivni ukrepi so redni pregledi v nosečnosti, sistematsko testiranje za določene povzročitelje okužb vseh nosečnic in usmerjeno iskanje okužb rizičnih skupin ter zdravljenje obolenj v zgodnji fazi. Okužbe v nosečnosti so bile in ostajajo pomemben dejavnik ogroženosti nosečnice in ploda, zato je za vse zdravstvene delavce pomembno ohranjanje in širjenje znanja.