Author/Editor     Lorenčič-Robnik, Slavica; Lušicky, Mojca; Reberšek-Gorišek, Jelka; Mueller-Premru, Manica; Štorman, Alenka; Štrumbelj, Iztok; Drinovec, Bojan; Grmek-Košnik, Irena; Fišer, Jerneja; Harlander, Tatjana
Title     Okužbe z bakterijo Listeria monocytogenes pri materah in novorojencih
Translated title     Listeria monocytogenes - infections in pregnant women and newborns
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 45, št. Suppl 3
Publication year     2006
Volume     str. 81-9
Language     slo
Abstract     Listeria monocytogenes is gram positive, facultatively anaerobic, nonsporulating bacillus that causes disease listeriosis in humans and animals. The bacterium is distributed worldwide and could be found in water, soil, decaying vegetation and in the feces of healthy animals and humans (2-10%). The most common route of acquisition of infection is by eating the contaminated food. The disease remains an uncommon infection, althought in the last decade there were some major epidemic outbreaks throughout the world. Infection rates in developed countries are between 0,1-0,9/100.000 population (in Slovenia 0,38/100.000 population). The disease affects especially pregnant women, newborns, patients with compromised cell immunity and older than 50 years. The mode of transmission from mother to child is mainly transplacental, possiblly also through aspiration of amniotic fluid or by colonisation passing the birthcanal. The clinical presentation of listeriosis in pregnant women and neonates has some differences compared to other population. Pregnant women are affected with flulike illness which is mostly self-limited. In early-onset neonatal listeriosis the clinical picture of sepsis-like syndrome is found, whereas in late-onset neonatal listeriosis the clinical picture of meningitis predominates. Mortality rate is higher in early-onset disease (15-40%). For the microbiological diagnosis besides the standard metods there are rapid molecular technics available. The preferred agent for the therapy remains ampicillin alone or in combination with gentamicin. Multiresistant clones of L. monocytogenes are still rare worldwide. For the prevention of infection the most important thing is microbiological monitoring of food products and being acquainted with the recommendations for the persons at high risk.
Summary     Listeria monocytogenes je po Gramu pozitiven, fakultativno anaeroben, nesporogen bacil, ki povzroča bolezen listeriozo pri živalih in ljudeh. Bakterija je razširjena po vsem svetu, najdemo jo v vodi, v zemlji, v razpadajoči vegetaciji in v iztrebkih zdravih živali in ljudi (2-10 %). Glavni način okužbe je zaužitje okužene hrane. Bolezen je redka, čeprav je v zadnjem desetletju prišlo do izbruhov nekaj večjih epidemij. Pojavnost listerioze znaša v razvitem svetu med 0,1-0,9/100.000 prebivalcev (v Sloveniji 0,38/100.000 prebivalcev). Prizadene predvsem nosečnice in novorojence, ljudi z oslabljeno celično imunostjo in starejše od 501et. Bakterija se prenaša z matere na plod v glavnem preko posteljice, lahko pa tudi z aspiracijo amnionske tekočine in pri prehodu ploda skozi porodni kanal. Listerioza pri nosečnici in novorojencu poteka drugače kot pri ostali populaciji. Pri nosečnicah se obolenje kaže kot gripi podobna bolezen, ki se ponavadi spontano pozdravi. Listerioza novorojenca v zgodnjem poporodnem obdobju navadno poteka kot huda sepsa, listerioza novorojenca s poznim začetkom pa predvsem kot meningitis. Smrtnost je večja pri bolezni v zgodnjem poporodnem obdobju (15-40%). Za mikrobiološko diagnostiko so razen klasičnih testov razvite tudi hitre molekularne tehnike. Zdravilo prvega izbora ostaja ampicilin sam ali v kombinaciji z gentamicinom. Večkratno odporni sevi so v svetu še redki. Za preprečevanje okužbe je pomemben mikrobiološki nadzor nad živili in seznanjanje ogroženih skupin z navodili za zmanjšanje nevarnosti okužbe z L. monocytogenes.