Author/Editor     Globočnik-Papuga, Petra
Title     Pomen izobraževanja o komuniciranju v paliativni oskrbi
Translated title     The importance communication of training in pallaitive care
Type     članek
Source     Obz Zdrav Nege
Vol. and No.     Letnik 41, št. 1
Publication year     2007
Volume     str. 33-6
Language     slo
Abstract     Palliative care is are integrated care for seriously ill patients that involves physical, psychological, social and spiritual needs of patients and their relatives. Good communication is of vital importance and can be achieved by specific training, practical work and work on oneself. The article is based on a qualitative research carried out among the nurses who meet seriously ill and dying patients daily at The University Clinic of Pulmonary and Allergic Diseases Golnik. The nurses and technicians involved in the research have expressed the need to obtain additional knowledge about communication, communication evaluation, time planning for conversation for active support to the dying and their relatives and to settle conditions in palliative care on the national level. Before training they experienced personal distress and fear of patients' and their relatives' reactions more frequently and they avoided having a conversation with them. The results of the research show that training is important, that the knowledge obtained at the workshops 'Communicating bad news' is used in practical work, that motivation for communication with seriously ill and dying patients, for self-training and for co-workers' communication have increased. Professional relation and understanding of patients' and their relatives' reactions have improved.
Summary     Paliativna oskrba je celostna skrb za težko bolne in umirajoče bolnike. Zajema telesne, psihološke, socialne in tudi duhovne potrebe bolnika in njegovih svojcev. Tu je izredno pomembno dobro komuniciranje, ki ga lahko osvojimo s specifičnim izobraževanjem, prakso in delom na sebi. Članek temelji na kvalitativni raziskavi, ki je bila izvedena med medicinskimi sestrami, ki se vsakodnevno srečujejo s težko bolnimi in umirajočimi bolniki v bolnišnici za pljučne bolezni in alergijo Golnik. V raziskavi udeležene medicinske sestre in zdravstveni tehniki so izrazili potrebo po dodatnem znanju o kornuniciranju, vrednotenju komuniciranja, organizaciji časa, namenjenega pogovorom za aktivno podporo umirajočim in njihovim svojcem, ter ureditvi razmer v paliativni oskrbi na nacionalni ravni. Pred izobraževanjem so pogosteje doživljali osebne stiske, strah pred odzivi bolnikov in svojcev ter se izogibali pogovorom z njimi. Rezultati raziskave pokažejo, da je izobraževareje pomembno, da se znanje pridobljeno na učnih delavnicah »Sporočanje slabe novice« uporablja v praksi, da se je dvignila motiviranost za komuniciranje s težko bolnimi an umirajočimi, motiviranost za samoizobraževanje in pogovore s sodelavci. Izboljšal se je profesionalni odnos in zvečalo se je razumevanje reakcij bolnikov in svojcev.
Descriptors     PALLIATIVE CARE