Author/Editor     Vegar-Zubović, Sandra; Sefić-Pašić, Irmina; Lindcender, Lidija; Vrčić, Dunja; Klančević, Melika; Delić, Una
Title     Computed tomography and magnetic resonance colonography
Translated title     Računalniško tomografska in magnetno resonančna kolonografija
Type     članek
Source     Radiol Oncol
Vol. and No.     Letnik 41, št. 1
Publication year     2007
Volume     str. 1-12
Language     eng
Abstract     Background. Colon cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in the western world. Adenomatous colorectal polyps, which are found in 30-50% of Americans more than 50 years old, are recognized as important precursors of malignancy. Probably most of the invasive colon carcinomas arise from polyps. For this reason an early detection of these polyps and their complete removal is a recognized strategy for the prevention of colon cancer. So far no single method for an early diagnosis of colon polyps or colon cancer offers high sensitivity and specificity along with law cost and good patient acceptance. Endoscopic colonoscopy allows the accurate detection of very small lesions and has since almost completely replaced fluoroscopy. Cross-sectional imaging techniques, including magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and compuied tomography (CT), are increasingly being considered imaging modalities for the detection of colorectal polyps. Conclusions. CT and MR colonography are new techniques for imaging of the colon. In symptomatic pafients, these new techniques show promising results for the detection of polyps equal to or larger than 1 cm in diameter.
Summary     Izhodišča. V razviten svetu je rak debelega črevesa drugi najpogostejši vzrok smrti pri onkoloških bolnikih. Pogosto se razvije iz žleznih kolorektalnih polipov, ki jih najdemo pri 30-50% Američanov, starejših od 50 let. Zato je zgodnje odkrivanje črevesnih polipov in njihova odstranitev učinkovita prevencija črevesnega raka. Do sedaj pa nismo poznali metode odkrivanja črevesnih polipov, ki bi imela visoko senzitivnost in specifičnost, ki bi bila hkrati poceni ter ne bi obremenjevala bolnika. Endoskopska kolonoskopija omogoča natančno ugotavljanje zelo majhnih sprememb in je skoraj popolnoma nadomestila fluoroskopijo. V novejšem času za ugotavljanje kolorektalnih polipov vedno v večji meri uporabljamo slikovne preiskave z magnetno resonanco (MRI) in računalniško tomografijo (CT). Zaključki. CT in MR kolonografija sta novi slikovni tehniki pri preiskavi črevesa. Zaradi obetavnih rezultatov pri ugotavljanju polipov, ki so enaki ali večji kot 1 cm, jih v vedno večji meri uporabljamo pri simptomatskih bolnikih.