Author/Editor     Primožič, Jasmina; Ovsenik, Maja
Title     Veljavnost, zanesljivost in zamudnost vrednotenja malokluzije z Eisman-Farčnikovim (EP) indeksom
Translated title     Assessing malocclusion with the EF index: validity, reliability and time consumption
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 45, št. 4
Publication year     2006
Volume     str. 357-62
Language     slo
Abstract     Background. The purpose of orthodontic diagnosis and classification systems is to record different dental and arch anomalies (malocclusions). The modified Angle's method of classifying malocclusion is still the most widely used classification system. For quantitative assessing of malocclusion different occlusal indices are used. The Eismann-Farčnik (EF) index was developed in Slovenia, but it is not routinely used in everyday orthodontic practice. Aim and hypothesis. The aim of this study was to evaluate the validity, reliability and consumption of time in the use of the EF index, in order to assess its usefulness in everyday orthodontic practice. It was hypothesised, that the EF index was a valid and reliable method for assessing malocclusion and although being very time-consuming, it is still a good diagnostic tool for assessing malocclusion. Methods. A set of 100 pre-treatment study casts from the patients in the permanent dentition period of (mean age of 15.4 years, SD = 0.4 year; 53 female, 47 male). Three examiners trained and calibrated in the use the EF index scored the casts. The panel of ten orthodontists individually rated the same casts for their degree of malocclusion severity. The mean rating of the panel on the severity of malocclusion was used as the gold standard for evaluating validity of the EF index. Further, the agreement of the EF index and the gold standard in assessing the severity of malocclusion was evaluated using the ICC (intra-class correlation coefficient). The ROC curve was plotted for the EF index. Ten randomly selected casts were then re-evaluated for reliability study, which was also evaluated using the ICC. Each evaluation was timed and rounded off to the nearest half of minute. Results. There was an almost perfect agreement for the EF index with the decisions of the panel of orthodontists (ICC 0.819). (Abstract truncated at 2000 characters)
Summary     Izhodišče. Ortodontska diagnostika nam s pomočjo klasifikacijskih sistemov omogoča razvrstitev posameznih vrst zobnih in čeljustnih nepravilnosti (malokluzij). Za razvrščanje še vedno uporabljamo nekoliko izpopolnjen klasifikacijski sistem po Anglu (1899). Za kvantitativno vrednotenje malokluzij pa imamo različne okluzijske indekse. V Sloveniji je bil razvit Eismann-Farčnikov (EF) indeks, vendar je njegova rutinska uporaba v ortodontskih ambulantah omejena. Namen in hipoteze. Z namenom, da ugotovimo uporabnost EF indeksa v vsakdanji ortodontski praksi, je cilj naloge preveriti njegovo veljavnost, zanesljivost in zamudnost pri vrednotenju malokluzije. Pričakujem, da je EF indeks veljavna in zanesljiva, vendar zamudna metoda za vrednotenje malokluzije. Metode. Raziskovalna naloga je retrospektivna študija. Pri 100 preiskovancih (53 žensk, 47 moških; povprečna starost 15,4 let), ki so bili napoteni k specialistu zobne in čeljustne ortopedije, smo na študijskih modelih stalnega zobovja številčno ovrednotili obseg malokluzije z EF indeksom. Veljavnost indeksa smo preverili tako, da smo ga primerjali z mnenjem desetih slovenskih ortodontov (zlati standard), ki so po lastni presoji razvrstili preiskovance v štiri težavnostne razrede. Za primerjavo smo uporabili koeficient ICC (inter-class correlation coefficient). Diagnostično natančnost EF indeksa smo določili s pomočjo površine pod ROC krivuljo. Zanesljivost EF indeksa smo določili tako, da smo deset naključno izbranih študijskih modelov ponovno ovrednotili, iste modele pa sta ovrednotila še dva meritelja. Skladnost vrednotenja enega meritelja in različnih meriteljev sem določila s koeficientom ICC (intra- in inter-class correlation coefficient). Zabeležili smo tudi čas vsakega vrednotenja malokluzije na pol minute natančno in izračunali povprečno vrednost časa, ki je potreben za ovrednotenje malokluzije z EF indeksom. Rezultati. Izvleček skrajšan pri 2000 znakih)
Descriptors     MALOCCLUSION