Author/Editor     Ocepek, Andreja; Skok, Pavel
Title     Sindrom kratkega črevesa kot zaplet Crohnove bolezni
Translated title     Short bowel syndrom as a complication of Crohn's disease
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 45, št. 4
Publication year     2006
Volume     str. 383-90
Language     slo
Abstract     During the course of Crohn's disease, some patients require surgical bowel resection due to intestinal stenosis. Attention is drawn to a possible complication of such surgical procedures: in a patient with Crohn's disease, short bowel syndrome developed following several small and large intestine resections that were necessary in the treatment of recidivating acute bowel obstructions. When the remnant small bowel is shorter than 200 cm, characteristic symptoms of short bowel syndrome develop including profuse diarrhea, signs of malabsorption, hypovolemia and dehydration, electrolyte and metabolic disturbances, malnutrition and vitamin deficiencies. The causes and pathophysiological mechanisms of short bowel syndrome are explained and a therapeutic approach to this group of patients is described.
Summary     Pri delu bolnikov s Crohnovo boleznijo so zaradi zožitev prebavne cevi, ki se razvijejo ob napredovanju bolezni, potrebni operacijski resekcijski posegi. S predstavitvijo bolnice s Crohnovo boleznijo, pri kateri se je po več operacijah zaradi ponavljajočih se nenadnih zapor tankega črevesa razvil sindrom kratkega črevesa, želimo opozoriti na možen zaplet takšnega zdravljenja. Za sindrom kratkega črevesa so značilni huda driska, znaki malabsorpcije, hipovolemije in izsušitve, elektrolitsko in presnovno neravnovesje, podhranjenost ter pomanjkanje nekaterih vitaminov. Simptomi in znaki se pojavijo, kadar je preostali del tankega črevesa krajši od 200 cm. V prispevku opisujemo vzroke za nastanek in patofiziološke mehanizme sindroma kratkega črevesa ter sodoben pristop k zdravljenju teh bolnikov.
Descriptors     CROHN DISEASE