Author/Editor     Coer, Andrej; Legan, Mateja
Title     Posteljica
Translated title     Placenta
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 45, št. 4
Publication year     2006
Volume     str. 391-401
Language     slo
Abstract     The placenta is crucial for fetal survival, growth and development. After the baby has been born the role of the placenta is finished, however, it is essential that delivering physician perform a thorough, accurate examination of it. With this examination it is possible to get information that may be important to the care of both mother and infant. To recognise numerous potential abnormalities of placenta, normal morphology, origin and development should be known. It is the purpose of this article to describe the morphological characteristics of normal placenta, the way haw placenta arise and develop from blastocyst implantation till birth. Some recent findings about cells that compose the placenta are presented as well. Despite accurate examination of the placenta in the delivery room, it should be submitted for pathological evaluation if an abnormality is detected or certain indications are presented.
Summary     Posteljica je ključna za preživetje, rast in razvoj ploda. Čeprav je njena vloga po porodu končana, jo je treba že v porodni sobi temeljito pregledati, saj lahko že samo s pregledom dobimo podatke, pomembne tako za zdravje matere kot tudi novorojenčka. Da bi prepoznali zelo številne možne nepravilnosti posteljice, je treba poznati njen normalni izgled, pa tudi vedeti, kako nastane in se razvija. Zato je namen članka prikazati, kako je posteljica zgrajena, ter njen razvoj od ugnezditve blastociste pa do rojstva, predstavljena pa so tudi nekatera novejša spoznanja o celicah, ki jo sestavljajo. Čeprav vsako posteljico porodničar skrbno pregleda že v porodni sobi, je potrebna v primeru kakršnih koli nepravilnosti še natančna patohistološka analiza.
Descriptors     PLACENTA