Author/Editor     Khaled, A; Ben Mbarek, L; Kharfi, M; Zeglaoui, F; Bouratbine, A; Fazaa, B; Kamoun-Barek, MR
Title     Tinea capitis favosa due to Trichophyton schoenleinii
Type     članek
Source     Acta Dermatovenerol Alp Pannon Adriat
Vol. and No.     Letnik 16, št. 1
Publication year     2007
Volume     str. 34-6
Language     eng
Abstract     A case of a tinea capitis caused by Trichophyton schoenleinii is presented. It involves a 6-year old Tunisian boy that had presented with diffuse scaling of the scalp misdiagnosed as psoriasis and was treated unsuccessfully with keratolytic shampoos for two years. Tinea favosa due to Trichophyton schoenleinii was confirmed by mycological examination. He was successfully treated with griseofulvin for 6 weeks and topical application of imidazole. Trichophyton schoenleinii is an important anthropophilic dermatophyte that causes tinea favosa. It is transmitted by contagion between humans and is currently endemic in Africa. Ringworm is still frequent in Tunisia, but favus is becoming exceptional due to improvements in living conditions and hygiene.
Descriptors     TINEA CAPITIS