Author/Editor     Ploj, Tom
Title     Javno dostopni avtomatični defibrilatorji v Sloveniji
Translated title     Public access automated external defibrilators in Slovenia
Type     članek
Source     In: Jenko M, Lipovšek K, editors. Zbornik izbranih tem Delavnice urgentne medicine; 2006 dec; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Društvo študentov medicine Slovenije,
Publication year     2006
Volume     str. 53-60
Language     slo
Abstract     Public access automated external defibrillators are meant to reduce the time to defibrillation, what lowers mortality and improves neurologic outcome after cardiac arrest. First automated external defibrillators (AED) for lay use were positioned in Slovenia last year and the number is growing. Six of them will soon be in the use of non-medical professionals (firemen, policemen). AED's will achieve their purpose only when (properly) used. For that reason we designed a practical course and an illustrated handbook for the people that work in the environments where AED's were placed. Building public awareness, continuous care of the devices and refreshing courses will have to be provided in the future. Expected growth of the number of devices warrants AED education to become an integral part of every basic life support course.