Author/Editor     Vlahović, Dušan
Title     Novosti pri dodatnih postopkih oživljanja
Type     članek
Source     In: Jenko M, Lipovšek K, editors. Zbornik izbranih tem Delavnice urgentne medicine; 2006 dec; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Društvo študentov medicine Slovenije,
Publication year     2006
Volume     str. 111-26
Language     slo
Abstract     Short description of the new Advanced Life Support Guidelines is provided. Importance of the in hospital cardiac arrest prevention and organization of Medical emergency team is stressed. Changes in the universal advanced life support algorithm includes: strategies before defibrillation, especially 2 minute CPR (cardio-pulmonary resuscitation) in pre-hospital setting, changed number of shocks and 2 min CPR after defibrillation, regardless of the change in the ECG rhythm. Determination of the appropriate energy level for the defibrillation has to take in the account the type of the defibrilator. The role of intubation and alternative airway management techniques are changing slightly, with the position that only highly trained individuals should undertake intubation. Adrenalin remains number one vasopressor and with amiodaron comprises the most important resuscitation drug. At the end some alternative and promising techniques for circulatory support are mentioned.