Author/Editor     Jug, Z; Kučinič, I; Mehić, H
Title     Vloga medicinske sestre pri zdravljenju akutne alergijske reakcije
Translated title     The nursing sister's role in the treatment of acute allergic reactions
Type     članek
Source     Slov Pediatr
Vol. and No.     Letnik 14, št. 2
Publication year     2007
Volume     str. 86-90
Language     slo
Abstract     Allergies are a very common cause of disease at the present time. This is influenced by many different factors in the modern way of life and work. There has been a change in the industrial manufacture, production and preparation of food, as well as our natural environment and the organism's response to it. Since an acute allergic reaction can be life threatening, it is very important to recognise the causes of allergies and know how to intervene appropriately in the event of an acute allergic reaction.
Summary     Alergije so zelo pogosti vzrok bolezni današnjega časa. Na to vplivajo različni dejavniki sodobnega načina življenja in dela. Spremenila se je industrijska proizvodnja, pridelava in priprava hrane, spremenilo se je naše naravno okolje ter dejavniki v načinu odzivanja organizma. Ker je akutna alergijska reakcija lahko smrtno nevarna, je zelo pomembno, da poznamo vzroke alergije in načine, kako pravilno ukrepati ob morebitni akutni alergični reakciji.
Descriptors     ANAPHYLAXIS