Author/Editor     Sprogar, Špela; Drevenšek, Gorazd; Drevenšek, Martina
Title     Model ortodontskega premika zob pri podgani
Translated title     A model of orthodontic tooth movements in rats
Type     članek
Source     Zobozdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 62, št. 1
Publication year     2007
Volume     str. 21-6
Language     slo
Abstract     Background: The aim of this study was to select the most suitable model for studying the mechanism of orthodontic tooth movement in rats and evaluating how this is affected by drugs. Materials and methods: The study was performed on male Wistar rats. Two different methods of placing the superelastic closed coil spring were compared as to the ability to ensure a constant force. The accuracy of measurement of distances between teeth was evaluated with the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC). Tooth movement was compared between groups of animals using 25 cN and 50 cN coil springs. Superelastic properties of the coil spring were tested with a calibration experiment. Results: A constant force was made possible by additional fixation of the coil spring accomplished by passing the surgical wire through a predrilled hole in the approximal surfaces of both upper incisors. ICC values (0.92 +- 0.02) showed that reliability of measurement was within the standards. The amount of tooth movement produced with the 25 cN spring did not differ significantly from that obtained with the 50 cN spring, only the shapes of the curves representing tooth movement were different. The coil spring exerted a constant force in the extension range of 3-8 mm. Conclusion: The results show that the selected animal model is suitable for studying orthodontic tooth movement.
Summary     Izhodišče: Namen naloge je bil izbrati najprimernejši model za proučevanje ortodontskega premika zob in za ugotavljanje vpliva zdravil na ortodontski premik zob pri podgani. Materiali in metode: V nalogi smo uporabili podganje samce Wistar. S primerjavo dveh načinov namestitve superelastične vlečne vzmeti smo ugotavljali način, ki omogoča stalno delovanje sile. Z medrazrednim korelacijskim koeficientom (MKK) smo določili zanesljivost merjenja razdalj med zobmi. Primerjali smo premike zob pri 25- in 50-centinewtonski vzmeti. Superelastične lastnosti vzmeti smo preiskusili z umeritvenim poskusom. Rezultati: Stalno delovanje sile je omogočala namestitev vzmeti z dodatno pričvrstitivijo s kirurško nitjo, ki smo jo uvedli skozi luknjo, zvrtano skozi stranske ploskve obeh zgornjih sekalcev. Vrednosti MKK (0,92 +- 0,02) zagotavljajo dobro zanesljivost merjenja. Velikost premika zob se med skupinama živali z nameščeno 25- in 50-cN vzmetjo ni značilno razlikovala, razlikoval se je le potek obeh krivulj premikov zob. V območju raztezka 3-8 mm vzmet ustvarja vedno enako silo. Zaključek: Glede na rezultate smo izbrali primeren živalski model za proučevanje ortodontskega premika.
Descriptors     TOOTH MOVEMENT