Author/Editor     Lonzarić, Dragan; Jesenšek Papež, Breda; Čelan, Dušan; Barovič, Jože; Turk, Zmago
Title     Funkcionalni izid pri bolnikih s gonartrozo po peloidoterapiji s pohorsko šoto: prospektivna, randomizirana in placebo kontrolirana raziskava
Translated title     Functional outcome after peloidotherapy with Pohorje peat in patients with gonarthrosis: prospective, randomized and placebo controlled research
Type     članek
Source     Rehabilitacija
Vol. and No.     Letnik 5, št. 3-4
Publication year     2006
Volume     str. 109-1
Language     slo
Abstract     The purpose of the study was to define functional effectiveness of a 10-day peloidotherapy with Pohorje peat in patients with knee osteoarthritis. The control group received simulated magnetotherapy. Although there were no statistically significant differences between the groups in the range of passive knee motion improvement and diminished dosage of non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs, the differencies in the improvement of general health condition and WOMAC scores (the total score and all the three subscores) were statistically highly significant (p<0.001). Transitory side effects were scarce and they did not demand therapy cessation. The results confirm the therapeutic effect of Pohorje peat and functinal improvement evaluated with WOMAC score. However, the results do not answer the questions on the activity mechanism and the therapeutic effect duration.
Summary     Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti funkcionalno učinkovitost desetdnevne peloidoterapije s pohorsko šoto pri bolnikih z gonartrozo. Kontrolna skupina je imela lažno magnetoterapijo. Kljub temu, da ni bilo statistično pomembne razlike med skupinama glede izboljšanja pasivne gibljivosti v kolenu in zmanjšanja uživanja peroralnih nesteroidnih antirevmatikov, je bilo doseženo statistično visoko pomembno izboljšanje zdravstvenega počutja (p<0,001) in WOMAC ocen (celotne in vseh njenih podocen) (p<0,001). Stranski učinki so biliredki in prehodni ter niso terjali prekinitve peloidoterapije. Raziskava potrjuje terapijski učinek pohorske šote in funckionalno izboljšanje merjeno z WOMANC lestvico, ne odgovori pa na vprašanja o mehanizmu delovanja peloidoterapije in trajanju njenega učinka.
Descriptors     MUD THERAPY