Author/Editor     Drobne, Damjana; Pipan, Živa; Lešer, Vladka; Valant, Janez; Gunde-Cimerman, Nina; Remškar, Maja
Title     Metoda za določanje vplivov nanodelcev (TiO2) na celice in tkiva v strupenostnem testu in vivo
Translated title     Assessing the effects of nanoparticles (TiO2) on cells and tissues by the in vivo toxicity test
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vars
Vol. and No.     Letnik 46, št. 3
Publication year     2007
Volume     str. 96-102
Language     slo
Abstract     Every new technology poses new risks. With the increasing presence of nanomaterials in commercial products, a growing debate is emerging on whether the environmental and social costs of nanotechnology outweigh its many benefits. Information about the safety and potential hazards of nano-sized particles is urgently needed. To date, only a few studies have investigated the toxicological effects of nanomaterials, and no clear guidelines exist on how to quantify these effects. This study was undertaken to investigate nanoparticles using the test with the terrestrial isopod Porcellio scaber (Isopoda, Crustacea) devised for soluble chemicals. Terrestrial isopods have been recognised as suitable organisms for (eco) toxicity studies. Porcellio scaber is well adapted to terrestrial life and lives also in Slovenija. Toxicity tests with terrestrial isopods are generally used to assess biomarkers at various levels of biological organisation. In the present study we analysed only one biomarker related to the integrity of the plasma membrane. We used fluorescent staining with acridine orange/ethidium bromide. Conventional transmission electron microscopy (TEM) was used to characterise the nanoparticles tested. We determined the effect of TiO2 nanoparticles when consumed with food. The results showed that nanoparticles affected the integrity of plasma membrane. Conventional toxicity studies have thus proved to be a good starting point for assessing the effects of nanoparticles. Further studies of interaction between nanoparticles and biological systems will be needed to develop new and more suitable methods for toxicity testing.
Summary     Vsaka nova tehnologija prinaša mnoga tveganja. Z naraščanjem prisotnosti nanomaterialov v komercialnih proizvodih je nujno potrebno ovrednotiti ceno okolja in negativnih vplivov na organizme, pač glede na prednosti, ki jih prinašajo nanomateriali. Informacije o varnosti in možnem tveganju zaradi prisotnosti nanodelcev so nujno potrebne. Do danes je bilo narejenih le malo toksikoloških študij glede vpliva nanomaterialov. Proizvodnja, kjer so prisotni tudi nanomateriali, se razvija brez regulative na področju varnosti. V naši raziskavi smo uporabili že obstoječi test za kovine in pesticide s kopenskimi raki enakonožci Porcellio scaber (Isopoda, Crustacea), ki smo ga priredili za nanodelce. Kopenski raki so primerni testni organizmi, saj lahko analiziramo biooznačevalce na različnih ravneh. Rod Porcellio je prilagojen na kopensko življenje in živi tudi v Sloveniji. Hrani se predvsem z odmrlim listjem, lubjem in lesom. V tej študiji smo analizirali le en biooznačevalec, ki je povezan z integriteto celične membrane. Uporabili smo uveljavljeni test z dvojnim fluorescentnim barvanjem (barvanje z akridin oranžnim (N,N,N',N'-tetrametilakridin-3,6-diamin) in etidijevim bromidom (3,8-diamino-5-etil-6-fenilfenantridinijev bromid)). Značilnosti testiranih nanodelcev smo določali z visokoločljivostnim presevnim elektronskim mikroskopom (TEM). Ugotavljali smo učinke nanodelcev s pomočjo prehranjevalnega testa in ugotovili, da nanodelci vplivajo na integriteto membrane. Iz tega lahko sklepamo, da so tovrstni testi primerni tudi kot izhodišče za testiranje učinkov nanodelcev nadaljnje raziskave. Nova spoznanja na področju medsebojnega vplivanja med nanodelci in biološkimi sistemi bodo pokazala, kakšni naj bodo učinkoviti testi strupenosti za nanodelce.
Descriptors     CRUSTACEA