Author/Editor     Švigelj, Viktor
Title     Hipertenzivna znotrajmožganska krvavitev
Translated title     Hypertensive intracerebral haemorrhage
Type     članek
Source     Slov Kardiol
Vol. and No.     Letnik 4, št. 2
Publication year     2007
Volume     str. 88-92
Language     slo
Abstract     Intracerebral haemorrhage is due to rupture of small arteries located within the substance of the brain and hypertension is its main mechanism. Such haemorrhage occurs mostly in middle or advanced age patients. It is usually located within deep brain structures and the mortality rate is high, mostly due to haemathoma expansion or surrounding edema. Prevention of the haemathoma growth is an important issue, however, this is a time dependent issue. The purpose of the article is to show our experiences in intracerebral haemorrhage treatment with recombinant activated factor Vll. , q Between 2003 and 2005 we treated 4 patients (3 males and 1 fe i male) with recombinant activated factor VI I in the Department of Neurology. The average age was 56,5 years (31-79 years). Clinical picture was evaluated with NIH-SS (National Institute of Health Stroke Scale) and the outcome after 6 months with modified Rankin scale (range 0-6). Before giving the drug we performed CT brain scan in all patients, and repeated CT scans also after 24 and 72 hours after the treatment. The volume of haemathoma and haemathoma plus surrounding edema was evaluated. All patients received a bolus of 6 mg recombinant activated factor VII. Results Before the application of the drug the average haemathoma volume was 29,25 ml and haemathoma plus surrounding edema 43,25 ml. After 24 hours the average haemathoma enlargement was 29 % and haemathoma plus surrounding edema 14,45 %. After 72 hours we found shrinking of the haemathoma or haemathoma plus surrounding edema comparing to the findings before drug application (0,8% and 61,42%, consecutively). According to NIH-SS the average score before drug application was 16, 17 after 24 hours and 15,25 after 72 hours. The modified Rankin was 1 in 2 patients, 4 in female patient and one patient died after one month after the onset of a haemorrhage due to pneumonia. Discussion and conclusion. (Abstract truncated at 2000 characters)
Descriptors     HYPERTENSION