Author/Editor     Kabaklić, Amela; Černelč, Peter
Title     Ocena uspešnosti enajstletnega zdravljenja starejših bolnikov z diseminiranim plazmocitomom
Translated title     Evaluation of treatment for elderly patienta with multiple myeloma
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 77, št. Suppl 1
Publication year     2008
Volume     str. I-81-6
Language     slo
Abstract     Background In this retrospective study we have evaluated the effectiveness of different ways of treatment for elderly patients with multiple myeloma and we have compared our results with already published clinical studies. Methods The primary goal of our study was to establish the overall survival of 120 elderly patients with multiple myeloma which was defined as timeframe from the onset of the diagnosis up to the point of last check-up or death. In the first part of the study we compared the survival of patients treated with alceran (melphalan) and prednisone or other medications without thalidomide, with survival of patients being treated with thalidomide. The results of our study were compared to findings in other published clinical studies. In the second part we continued to compare the median overall survival of our patients with expected survival staged with international prognostic factors (Durie-Salmon staging system and International staging system ISS). The medial overall survival was evaluated using the Kaplan-Meier method. Results Median overall survival times were 67.1 months for all 120 elderly patients with multiple myeloma, 33.4 months for patients treated with alceran and prednisone (AP) or other medications (DZ) without thalidomide (AP+DZ), 112.7 months for patients treated with AP, thalidomide and other medications (AP+DZ+T), 30.2 months for patients treated with other medications but without thalidomide (DZ) and 78.7 months for patients treated only with thalidomide or with thalidomide and other medications (T+DZ). Treatment with AP+DZ+T was asociated with significantly better survival than was AP+DZ (p = 0.0003). Treatment T+DZ was also asociated with significantly better survival than was DZ (p < 0.0001). The results of median survival times staged by Durie-Salmon staging system and International staging system ISS were not representative because of smal number of observed patients (n = 120 i.e. 81). (Abstract truncated at 2000 characters)
Descriptors     MULTIPLE MYELOMA