Author/Editor     Rakovec-Felser, Zlatka
Title     Bolnikovo sodelovanje in njegova priučena nemoč
Type     članek
Source     In: Rakovec-Felser Z, Farasin D, editors. Zbornik predavanj Simpozij Psihosocialni vidiki zdravja in bolezni; 2008 jun 06; Maribor. Maribor: Medicinska fakulteta, Katedra za zdravstveno in klinično psihologijo,
Publication year     2008
Volume     str. 82-96
Language     slo
Abstract     In case when one is ill or merely feels this way, then the relation between and his patient becomes the most important issue in the patient's life. The doctor-patient relation that is built between the two of them becomes the source of medical help and the crucial fact of whether the patient will trust and cooperate with his doctor or doubt his decisions and even double check them in some way. It depends on how the patient feels about this relation when he is to take the prescribed medicine or not. The means to follow the instructions on when and how to take the medicine and not when he feels like. Patient's cooperation influences the range of unpleasant economical consequences and the non-cooperative patients are the reason of 100 billon dollars cost in the American insurance system. That is the reason why this article is about the very important issue of patient-doctor relation and patient's compliance especially. The major part of it deals with the obstacles that are formed in the patient's point of view. Besides acute anxiety, the focus is on the patient's learned helplessness that was first described by M. Seligman in 1975. In conclusion of this article there are some possible answers to the question of how to react and improve mutual cooperation as to reduce the hidden opposition on the patient's side.
Summary     Ko nekdo zboli ali se tako le počuti, postane zanj odnos z zdravnikom trenutno najpomembnejši odnos na svetu. Odnos, ki se med bolnikom in zdravnikom vzpostavi, postane za bolnika izvor zdravstvene pomoči, prav kmalu pa odloča tudi o tem, ali bo bolnik zdravniku zaupal in z njim sodeloval ali pa bo v pravilnost njegovih odločitev dvomil in preverjal njihovo ustreznost. Od tega kako se kaže vzpostavljen stik, je odvisno, ali bo bolnik na recept predpisana zdravila sploh jemal, jih bo jemal ustrezno dolgo, v ustreznih odmerkih in v ustreznih razmahih ali pa bo segal po njih, kot se mu bo trenutno zazdelo. Na pomen bolnikovega (ne)sodelovanja opozarja vrsta neljubih posledic, saj nenazadnje bolnikovo nesodelovanje samo blagajno ameriškega zdravstvenega zavarovalniškega sistema letno stane kar okrog 100 bilijonov dolarjev. Tudi zato smo naš prispevek v celoti posvetili tematiki sodelovanja bolnik-zdravnik. V njem smo največji del pozornosti namenili zaprekam, ki nastajajo pri bolniku. Razen akutni anksioznosti smo pozornost posvetili pojavu bolnikove priučene nemoči, ki ga je leta 1975 prvi opisal M. Selligman. V zaključnem delu prispevku smo poskušali odgovoriti, kaj v teh primerih storiti, kako izboljšati medosebno sporazumevanje, da bi bilo prikrite opozicije na strani bolnikov čim manj.