Author/Editor     Kovačič, Borut
Title     Shranjevanje spolnih celic pred zdravljenjem raka
Type     članek
Publication year     2008
Volume     str. 509-515
Language     slo
Abstract     Infertility is a common side effect of cancer treatment. Chemo- and radiotherapy can permanently or temporarily arrest the process of germ cell production and maturation. Among different fertility preservation approaches before cancer therapy; only sperm and cryopreservation of embryos obtained from in vitro fertilization proved to be successful methods. Unfortunately, these procedures can only be applied in post-pubertal males and in women who are in a stable relationship at the time of treatment. For females without partners, young pre-pubescent girls and for boys with cancer there is very limited feasibility for effective conservation of fertility. This review presents the possibilities, advantages and disadvantages of cryopreservation techniques for storage of gametes, embryos, ovarian and testicular tissue in different patients with cancer.
Summary     Neplodnost je pogost stranski učinek zdravljenja raka. Kemo- in radioterapija lahko namreč začasno ali trajno ustavi proces nastajanja in zorenja spolnih celic. Med različnimi poskusi za zaščito fertilnosti sta učinkoviti metodi samo shranjevanje semena v semenski banki in zamrzovanje zarodkov, pridobljenih s postopkom in vitro fertilizacije. Žal lahko te postopke uporabljamo samo pri popubertetnih moških in ženskah, ki so v stalnem partnerstvu v času zdravljenja. Pri ženskah brez partnerja, mladih predpubertetnih deklicah in dečkih z rakom so možnosti ohranitve fertilnosti zelo omejene. V preglednem članku so predstavljene današnje možnosti, prednosti in slabosti zamrzovalnih tehnik za shranjevanje spolnih celic, zarodkov in tkiva jajčnikov in mod pri različnih bolnikih z rakom.
Descriptors     NEOPLASMS