Author/Editor     Osterc, Jože
Title     Bleiweis - pospeševalec živinoreje
Translated title     Bleiweis - a proponent of stockbreeding
Type     članek
Source     Slov Vet Res
Vol. and No.     Letnik 45, št. Suppl 12
Publication year     2008
Volume     str. 113-20
Language     slo
Abstract     Bleiweis was a great patriot and physiocrat. Both contributed to his moving from Vienna to Ljubljana, where he became the secretary of the Agricultural Society of Carniola in 1842 and editor of Kmetijske in rokodelske novice (Farmers' and Craftsmen's News) in 1843. Both functions enabled and forced him to concentrate on stockbreeding problems and their solutions. He was aware of the importance of good broodstock. As the secretary of the Agricultural society he supplied progressive farmers with financial support for buying good sires. He knew how important knowledge was for the development of stockbreeding so he promoted the foundation of general agricultural schools for farmers and landowners. He also taught at these schools. He published a number of works on agriculture. In 1858 he wrote and published Nauk od reje domače živine (The Science of Animal Husbandry), which constituted part three of Živinozdravstvo (Veterinary Medicine). In 1871 the Agricultural Society of Carniola commisioned him to write Nauk o umni živinoreji (The Science of Sound Stockbreeding). Most of the book focused on cattle and horses, while other stock received much less attention. Breeds of horses, cattle and sheep that were most important for out areas were presentedin pictures as well. He also mentioned the significance of manure of particular livestock species.
Summary     Bleiweis je bil velik pripadnik slovenstva in fiziokrat. Oboje je prispevalo k temu, da se je z Dunaja preselil v Ljubljano, kjer je l. 1842 prevzel tajništvo Kmetijske družbe za Kranjsko ter 1843 uredništvo Kmetijskih in rokodelskih novic. Obe nalogi sta mu omogočali in od njega zahtevali, da se je začel poglabljati v živinorejske probleme in njihovo razreševanje. Poznal je pomen dobrih plemenskih živali. Kot tajnik Kmetijske družbe je naprednim kmetom priskrbel tudi finančno pomoč za nakupe dobrih plemenjakov. Zavedal se je pomena znanja za napredek živinoreje. Zato se je zavzemal za ustanavljanje splošnih kmetijskih šol za kmete in posestnike. Na teh šolah je tudi poučeval. O živinoreji je tudi dosti pisal. Že 2858 je kot tretji del Živinozdravstva napisal in izdal Nauk od reje domače živine, 1871 pa je po naročilu Kmetijske družbe za Kranjsko napisal samostojno knjigo Nauk o umni živinoreji. V knjigi je največ napisano o govedu in konjih. Druge vrste domačih živali so obdelane skromneje. Za naše kraje najpomembnejše pasme konj,goveda in ovc, so predstavljene tudi v podobah. Omenja tudi pomen gnoja posameznih vrst domačih živali.