Author/Editor     Bratuš, Dejan
Title     Pogostejša urološka obolenja pri otrocih
Translated title     Frequent urological diseases in childhood
Type     članek
Source     In: Gregorič A, editor. Pediatrična urologija - novosti. Epilepsija pri otrocih in mladostnikih. Slikovna diagnostika pljuč pri otrocih . Zbornik 19. srečanje pediatrov in 6. srečanje medicinskih sester; 2009 apr 3-4; Maribor. Maribor: Univerzitetni klinični center,
Publication year     2009
Volume     str. 29-33
Language     slo
Abstract     Most of urological diseases can occur also in childhood but there are certain differences in diagnostic procedures and treatment in comparison with same situations in adults. As far as the treatment is concerned, we start with conservative, non invasive methods and in case of failure continue with more invasive, surgical methods. This article deals with urological diseases which can be found in children relatively frequently such as pyelo-ureteral obstruction, vesicoureteral teflux, megaureter, hypospadias, phimosis, undescended testes, acute scrotum and testicular tumours. Most of this pathology is dealt with in an elective manner while some represent urological emergency and must be dealt with at once.
Summary     Kljub temu, da se večina uroloških bolezni lahko pojavi že tudi v otroški dobi, so v postopkih diagnostike in zdravljenja nekaterih posebnosti v primerjavi z istimi stanji pri odraslih. Kar se tiče samega zdravljenja, poskušamo v začetni fazi večinoma s konzervativnim pristopom, ob neuspehu pa se poslužujemo bolj invazivnih, kirurških metod. V tem prispevku obravnavam urološke bolezni, ki jih najdemo pri otrocih sorazmerno pogosto, to so obstrukcija ureteropelvičnega ustja, vezikoureterni refluks, megaskrotum in tumorji testisov. Večino teh bolezni obravnavamo programsko, pri nekaterih pa gre za nujna urološka stanja in jih obravnavamo urgentno.