Author/Editor     Lobnik-Krunič, Brigita; Gradišnik, Peter
Title     Načela obravnave epilepsij pri otroku in mladostniku
Translated title     Principles of epilepsy management in children and adolescents
Type     članek
Source     In: Gregorič A, editor. Pediatrična urologija - novosti. Epilepsija pri otrocih in mladostnikih. Slikovna diagnostika pljuč pri otrocih . Zbornik 19. srečanje pediatrov in 6. srečanje medicinskih sester; 2009 apr 3-4; Maribor. Maribor: Univerzitetni klinični center,
Publication year     2009
Volume     str. 85-91
Language     slo
Abstract     Epilepsy is one of the most important problems in child neurology. In the immature, incompletely myelinated brain tissue in children, the convulsive threshold is reached more quickly, the long-term prognosis for remission of the illness and later gradual cessation of medication is for the most part better than in adults. It is necessary to be more cautious in children who have structural brain damage or other neurological disturbances. The management goal for patients with epilepsy is complete seizure control, but with as few as possible side effects, which are acceptable to the patients. There should be as few restrictions as possible imposed by the illness and these must not interfere with everyday life. In more than half the children with epilepsy it is possible to stop drug treatment after a few years. Acceptance of patients with epilepsy in society is often a bigger problem than complete seizure control with medications.
Summary     Epilepsija je eden od najpomembnejših problemov otroške nevrologije. V nezreli, nepopolno mielinizirani možganovini otrok je hitreje dosežen konvulzivni prag, dolgoročna prognoza možnosti remisije bolezni in kasnejše postopne ukinitve zdravil pa je večinoma boljša kot pri odraslih. Bolj previdni pa moramo biti pri otrocih, ki imajo strukturne okvare možganovine ali kakšno drugo nevrološko motnjo. Cilj obravnave bolnikov z epilepsijo je popolna omejitev napadov, vendar ob še sprejemljivih, čim manjših stranskih učinkih. Omejitve, ki jih prinaša bolezen, morajo biti čim manjše in ne smejo posegati v aktivno življenje. Pri več kot polovici primerov otrok z epilepsijo lahko zdravila po nekaj letih ukinemo. Sprejemanje bolnikov z epilepsijo v družbi je pogosto večja težava kot popoln nadzor nad napadi z zdravili.
Descriptors     EPILEPSY