Author/Editor     Košir, Renata; Meden-Vrtovec, Helena
Title     Vloga metformina pri obravnavi bolnic s sindromom policističnih jajčnikov
Translated title     The role of metformin in the treatment of patients with polycystic ovary syndrome
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 78, št. 3
Publication year     2009
Volume     str. 137-41
Language     slo
Abstract     Background Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the most common endocrine disorder affecting women of reproductive age in 10.20% under the American criteria and 15.22% under the European criteria. It is presented with disorders in the menstrual cycles, hirsutism, acne, alopecia and obesity. Nowadays, metformin drug has joined the traditional and established methods of treatment that are mainly focused to prevention of the leading symptom (hirsutism or irregular periods or fertility problems). Metformin is a peroral anti-diabetic agent that increases insulin sensitivity. Insulin stimulates androgen secretion by the ovarian stroma and appears to affect the normal development of ovarian follicles by suppressing apoptosis and permitting the survival of follicles otherwise destined to disappear. The long term sequelae of insulin resistance may be the development of insulin-dependent diabetes and dyslipidemia. Conclusions The results of meta-analysis and other studies confirm that metformin prevents the progress of insulin resistance, has a favourable impact on loosing weight and is effective in induction of ovulation, mainly in clomiphen resistant women.
Summary     Izhodišča Sindrom policističnih jajčnikov (PCOS) je najpogostej.a endokrinopatija v reproduktivnem obdobju ženske in prizadene 10.20% žensk po ameriških in 15.22% žensk po evropskih merilih. Klinično se kaže z nepravilnostmi v menstruacijskem ciklusu, hirsutizmom, aknami, alopecijo in debelostjo. Doslej uveljavljenim oblikam zdravljenja, ki so pretežno usmerjene v obvladovanje vodilnega simptoma (hirsutizem ali menstruacijske motnje ali neplodnost), se je pridružilo še zdravilo metformin. Metformin je peroralni antidiabetik, ki izboljša občutljivost na inzulin. Inzulin spodbuja izločanje androgenov v ovarijski stromi in verjetno vpliva na razvoj ovarijskih foliklov z zaviranjem apoptoze, zaradi česar folikli, ki bi sicer degenerirali, preživijo. Dolgoročne posledice inzulinske rezistence vodijo v inzulinsko-odvisen diabetes in dislipidemijo. Zaključki Rezultati raziskav in meta analize kažejo, da metformin preprečuje razvoj inzulinske rezistence, ugodno vpliva na zmanjšanje telesne teže in je učinkovit pri indukciji ovulacije, zlasti pri ženskah, odpornih na klomifen.