Author/Editor     Muševič, I; Žekš, B; Blinc, R; Wierenga, HA; Rasing, Th
Title     Phason dispersion and magnetic-field-induced band gap in a ferroelectric liquid crystal
Type     članek
Source     Phys Rev Lett
Vol. and No.     Letnik 68, št. 12
Publication year     1992
Volume     str. 1850-53
Language     eng
Abstract     The phason dispersion and the dielectric response of a ferroelectric Sm-C* liquid cryslal in an external magnetic field have been measured. A magnetic-field-induced splitting of the phason branch into an acousticlike and an opticlike mode was observed, indicating a crossover between the plane-wave-like and solitonlike phason dynamics. The resulting band gap at q = 0 is a direct consequence of the broken continuous helicoidal symmetry of the Sm-C* phase in a transverse magnetic field.
Descriptors     MAGNETICS