Author/Editor     Masić, Izet; Kern, Josipa; Zvarova, Jana; de Lusignan, Simon; Vidmar, Gaj
Title     Task force of the European federation of medical informatics journals: background, rationale and purpose
Translated title     Delovna skupina časopisov pri Evropski zvezi za medicinsko informatiko: ozadje, razlog in namen obstoja
Type     članek
Source     Inform Med Slov
Vol. and No.     Letnik 14, št. 1-2
Publication year     2009
Volume     str. 36-41
Language     eng
Abstract     The paper presents an analysis of how EFMI disseminates new knowledge and of the active medical informatics journals in EFMI member countries, which was carried out as an outcome of the EFMI Council meetings in London 2008, Sarajevo 2009 and Antalya 2009. The analysis identifies eight active major informatics journals and several other publications. Most are subscription-based and published at least quarterly. There is a possibility for the editors to meet regularly and form a community of practice with the aim of further improving their effectiveness in disseminating new knowledge and best practice in medical informatics. It is feasible to share expertise and it may be possible to harmonise several aspects of preparation and submission of manuscripts so that some of the identified barriers in publishing are reduced.
Summary     Članek predstavlja dejavnost Evropske zveze za medicinsko informatiko (EFMI) in časopise s področja medicinske informatike v državah članicah EFMI. Izhaja iz analize, opravljene na srečanjih v Londonu leta 2008, Sarajevu 2009 in Antaliji 2009. Delovna skupina omogoča redna srečanja urednikov, ki bi olajšala pretok znanja in izmenjavo dobrih praks, poleg tega pa bi se dalo poenotiti številne vidike priprave prispevkov.