Author/Editor     Potrč, Stojan; Horvat, Matjaž; Jagrič, Tomaž; Hazabent, Marko; Crnjac, Anton; Koželj, Miran; Ivanecz, Arpad
Title     Mesto paliativne resekcije želodca zaradi raka želodca, ko kurabilna resekcija ni več izvedljiva
Translated title     The place for palliative gastric resection in gastric cancer patients with no chance for curable resections
Type     članek
Source     In: Potrč S, Hazabent M, Gajzer B, editors. 2. Mariborski onkološki dan: simpozij z mednarodno udeležbo na temo Maligna obolenja želodca; 2009 nov 27; Maribor. Maribor: Oddelek za abdominalno in splošno kirurgijo, Kirurška klinika UKC,
Publication year     2009
Volume     str. 124-37
Language     slo
Abstract     Background: The intend of palliative resections is to improve the quality of live by relieving the symptoms. The aim of our study was to reveal the results of palliative resections and to search for any significant factors. Patients, methods and results: Between January 1992 and December 2004, in 81 patients gastric resection was performed with palliative intend. They have larger tumors, often located in proximal stomach and their stage (UICC) is higher then in patients with curable resection. In R2 morbidity is 30 % and mortality 13 %. Patients who lived less than 5 months are older, the performance status is worse and the gross residual tumor was in form of diffuse peritoneal seeding in comparison to those who lived more than 5 months. Conclusions. Non-curable gastric resections in patients with gastric obstruction or bleeding are justified in patients younger than 66 years with reliable general performance and without diffuse peritoneal seeding.
Summary     Izhodišča. S paliativno (R2) resekcijo želodca poskušamo omiliti simptome in zagotoviti najboljšo možno kvaliteto življenja. Namen naše analize je oceniti rezultateR2 resekcij in poiskati pokazatelje smiselnosti take resekcije. Bolniki, metode in rezultati: V obdobju od januarja 1992 do decembra 2004 smo pri 81 bolnikih opravili paliativno resekcijo. Ti bolniki imajo večje tumorje, več jih je v zgornji tretjini želodca in so v višjem stadiju po UICC kot pri bolnikih po domnevno kurabilnih resekcijah. Pri R2 resekcijah je morbiditeta 30 % in mortaliteta 13 %. Skupno mediano preživetje je 135 dni. Bolniki, ki so živeli manj kot 5 mesecev po R2 resekciji so bili starejši, s slabšo splošno sposobnostjo in bolj pogosto z ostankom tumorja v obliki difuzne karcinoze v primerjavi s tistimi, ki so živeli več kot 5 mesecev. Zaključki: R2 resekcija želodca je smiselna pri bolnikih z obstrukcijo ali krvavitvijo, starih manj kot 66 let, s solidnim splošnim stanjem (ASA<3) in brez difuzne karcinoze.