Author/Editor     Vidmar, Gaj; Burger, Helena; Erjavec, Tatjana
Title     Možnosti primerjave skladnosti meritev med skupinami: obremenitveno testiranje kot presejalni test za zmožnost hoje po nadkolenski amputaciji
Translated title     Options for comparing measurement agreement between groups: exercise testing as screening for ability to walk after transfemoral amputation
Type     članek
Source     Inform Med Slov Print ed
Vol. and No.     Letnik 15, št. 2
Publication year     2010
Volume     str. 10-20
Language     slo
Abstract     Rehabilitation of persons after lower limb amputation includes provision of a prosthesis. Before that, it should be established how much strain would walking with a prosthesis cause to the patient. For this purpose, we performed 6-minute walk test and exercise testing using hand-wheel ergometer in 101 patients after transfemoral amputation. We wanted to establish at which level of exercise power is the vascular response, as measured by oxygen uptake, closest to the response during walk test. We used various statistical methods of agreement analysis. The article reviews the numerous available approaches to the analysis of agreement for numeric variables with an emphasison comparing agreement between groups.
Summary     Rehabilitacija oseb po amputaciji spodnjega uda vključuje oskrbo s protezo. Pred tem je potrebno ugotoviti, kolikšno obremenitev bo hoja z nadkolensko protezo predstavljala za pacienta. V ta namen smo pri 101 pacientu po transfemoralni amputaciji uporabili 6-minutni test hoje in telesno zmogljivost testirali z obremenitvenim testiranjem z ročnim kolesom. Želeli smo ugotoviti, pri kateri stopnji obremenitve je odgovor žilnega sistema, merjen s porabo kisika, najbližje odgovoru pri testu hoje. Uporabili smo različne statistične analize skladnosti meritev. Članek podaja vpogled v množico razpoložljivih pristopov k analizi skladnosti za številske spremenljivke s poudarkom na primerjavi skladnosti med skupinami.