Author/Editor     Urlep Žužej, Darja; Mičetić-Turk, Dušanka; Dolinšek, Jernej
Title     Biološka zdravila v zdravljenju otrok in mladostnikov s kronično vnetno črevesno boleznijo
Translated title     Biologic agents in the treatment of children and adolescents with inflammatory bowel disease
Type     članek
Source     Gastroenterolog
Vol. and No.     Letnik 14, št. 1
Publication year     2010
Volume     str. 47-55
Language     slo
Abstract     Biologic agents denote a great progress in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease in paediatric patients. According to the present therapeutic recommendations they are indicated for severe disease when standard medical therapies and/or enteral nutrition have failed. Treatment with biologic agents fundamentally improves quality of life, positively influences growth and development, decreases need for surgical interventions even in children with the most severe disease. During the therapy with biologic agents, consequential and sometimes also dangerous side effects may appear. Therefore, it is important to follow-up all the children receiving biologic agents very carefully. Furthermore, it is neccessary to secure the treatment in tertiary medical centers, which are specialized for this purpose. The article presents mechanism of action, therapeutic indications, efficacy, and side effects of treatment with biologic agents in children with inflammatory bowel disease.
Summary     Biološka zdravila pomenijo velik napredek v zdravljenju kronične vnetne črevesne bolezni pri otrocih in mladostnikih. Po sedanjih smernicah zdravljenja jih uporabljamo, ko ne dosežemo remisije s standardnimi zdravili in/ali popolno enteralno prehrano. Zdravljenje z biološkimi zdravili bistveno izboljša kakovost življenja, pospeši rast in razvoj ter zmanjša potrebo po kirurških posegih tudi pri otrocih z najhujšimi oblikami bolezni. Zaradi pomembnih in včasih tudi nevarnih stranskih učinkov pa je treba zdravstveno stanje otrok in mladostnikov, ki prejemajo biološka zdravila, spremljati, predvsem pa jih zagotoviti zdravljenje v specializiranih terciarnih centrih, ki so posebej usposobljeni za ta namen. Članek opisuje mehanizem delovanja, indikacije, učinkovitost in stranske učinke zdravljenja z biološkimi zdravili pri otrocih in mladostnikih.