Author/Editor     Hudomalj, E
Title     Elektronska pošta kot orodje raziskovalcev in knjižničarjev
Translated title     Electronic mail as a tool for researchers and librarians
Type     članek
Source     In: Češnovar N, editor. Vloga specialnih knjižnic pri pospeševanju družbenega in gospodarskega razvoja. Kakovost storitev v specialni knjižnici. Zbornik referatov 5. posvetovanja Sekcije za specialne knjižnice; 1994 nov 10-11; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Centralna tehniška knjižnica,
Publication year     1994
Volume     str. 85-102
Language     slo
Abstract     Electronic mail is the basic service of most national and international computer networks. In Slovenia, the number of researchers and proffessionals, who use it regularly as a tool by their work, is increasing fast. While the technological problems are beeing solved more or less successfully, other aspects, which are important for quality of this service, are beeing addressed only marginally. In the paper some organisational aspects and evaluation criteria concerning the electronic mail will be discussed. Electronic mail becomes an important tool when the user can get information through it regularly. Some libraries already have experience with the exchange of information through electronic mail: users are offered to order library material, they can get general information on library services, and it is used for the interlibrary loan purposses. Quality of these services depends on the quality of the network, user support and organization of electronic mail addresses, which are used for sending requests. Experiences on this topic at the Institute for Biomedical Informatics and Central Medical Library will be described.