Author/Editor     Klemenčič, E
Title     Kakovost bibliografskih zbirk podatkov s področja biomedicine - stališče uporabnika
Translated title     Biomedical bibliographic data bases quality - users view
Type     članek
Source     In: Češnovar N, editor. Vloga specialnih knjižnic pri pospeševanju družbenega in gospodarskega razvoja. Kakovost storitev v specialni knjižnici. Zbornik referatov 5. posvetovanja Sekcije za specialne knjižnice; 1994 nov 10-11; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Centralna tehniška knjižnica,
Publication year     1994
Volume     str. 125-30
Language     slo
Abstract     The users' veiw to the bibliographic databases in the field of biomedicine is reviewed. The database quality depends on subject field, selection, geographic distribution and up-date of document processing. The database producer must take care of improving data quality: accurancy, completeness, precision and currentness. The important dimension of database quality is also for what purpose can be used for searching. The quality of indexing documents and still more the quality of thesaurus is the most important factor for decision to use special database. At last is important how and when is the database prepared for searching.