Author/Editor     Domajnko, N; Mihelič, A; Žnidaršič, I
Title     Razširjenost kajenja med študenti in zaposlenimi Visoke šole za zdravstvo v šolskem letu 1991/92
Translated title     Smoking among students and employees of the School of health studies in the school year 1991/92
Type     članek
Source     Obz Zdrav Nege
Vol. and No.     Letnik 28, št. 3-4
Publication year     1994
Volume     str. 77-80
Language     slo
Abstract     Research findings have indicated that smoking influences the occurence of several chronic diseases and is the cause of premature death. Particularely important are attitudes towards and smoking behaviour among health workers as they are role models for the general population. The questionnary was completed by 506 full-time students of the School of Health Studies and all 56 employees. The research findings showed that the prevalence of smoking among students was 22 per cent and among employees 30.6 per cent. These results indicate a need for different health education and health promotion activities. These activities are also described in the article.
Descriptors     SMOKING