Author/Editor     Strdin-Košir, Alenka; Kirbiš, Simona; Sinkovič, Andreja
Title     Akutni koronarni sindrom pri bolnici s sistemskim lupus eritematozusom (SLE) - prikaz primera
Translated title     Acute coronary syndrome in a patient with systemic lupus eritematosus (SLE) - a case report
Type     članek
Source     In: Krajnc I, Pahor A, Skok P, et al, editors. Zbornik predavanj in praktikum 22. srečanje internistov in zdravnikov družinske medicine Iz prakse za prakso; 2011 maj 20-21; Maribor. Maribor: Univerzitetni klinični center,
Publication year     2011
Volume     str. 271-6
Language     slo
Abstract     In patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) atherosclerotic disease is accelerated and therefore the risk for coronary disease and acute coronary events is greatly increased. We present a case of young patient with SLE who suffered an acute SL elevation myocardial infarction and was successfully treated with reperfusion. To prevent and treat premature atherosclerosis in patients with SLE it is important to reduce inflammation of SLE, to reduce the doses of corticosteroids and to vigorously treat the traditional risk factors for coronary heart disease.
Summary     Pri bolnikih s sistemskim lupus eritematozusom (SLE) je ateroskleroza pospešena in s tem močno povečano tveganje za koronarno bolezen ter akutne koronarne dogodke. Prikazujemo primer mlade bolnice z dolgoletno anamnezo SLE, ki je razvila akutni miokardni infarkt z dvigom ST spojnice in bila uspešno reperfuzijsko zdravljena. Pri preprečevanju in zdravljenju koronarne bolezni pri bolnikih s SLE je pomembno zmanjševati vnetje, povezano s SLE, uporabljati čim nižje odmerke kortikosteroidov ter odločno zdraviti tradicionalne dejavnike tveganja.