Author/Editor     Reljič, Milan; Kovač, Vilma; Vlaisavljević, Veljko
Title     Rezultati postopkov oploditve z biomedicinsko pomočjo v mariborskem centru v primerjavi s povprečnimi rezultati v slovenskih in evropskih centrih (Evropski IVF monitoring 2000-2005)
Translated title     Results of biomedically assisted procreation in Maribor center compared with average results in Slovenian and European centers (European IVF Monitoring 2000-2005)
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 80, št. Suppl 1
Publication year     2011
Volume     str. I-88-94
Language     slo
Abstract     Background: The aim of the European IVF Monitoring is to compare the accessibility, and the success of the implementation of assisted reproductive technology (ART) among European countries. In this article we compared the success of Maribor IVF centre with Slovenian and European success rates. Materials and methods: Pooled data for Europe, Slovenia and Maribor from the last six EIM reports are shown in tables. Results: During 2000- 2005, the number of ART cycles, the percentage of intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) and frozen embryo replacement (FER) in Europe increased. In that period the same trend was observed in Slovenia. The percentage of children born after ART in Europe was between 0.2 %-4.2 %. In Slovenia this percentage was among the highest among the European countries, and was 3.9 % in 2005. The age structure of female patients in Slovenia did not differ from that in other European countries, but the percentage of women older than forty years increased. In European countries the transfer of two or three embryos was the most frequent, however the percentage of single embryo transfers increased, which was most notable in Maribor IVF centre. Pregnancy rates were comparable among European countries and our centers, while pregnancy rate in IVF and ICSI in Maribor IVF centre was slightly higher. In 2005, the percentage of twin pregnancies in Maribor IVF centre decreased and was 24 %, however it was slightly higher than European and Slovenian averages. The ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) was the most common complication of ART, which appeared in less than 1 %. Conclusion: In Maribor and other Slovenian IVF centers accessibility and success of ART in the observed period were above the European average.
Summary     Uvod: Namen Evropskega monitoringa IVF (EIM) je primerjava dostopnosti in uspešnosti izvajanja postopkov oploditve z biomedicinsko pomočjo (OBMP) med evropskimi državami. V našem prispevku smo primerjali rezultate mariborskega centra za IVF s slovenskim in z evropskim povprečjem. Materiali in metode: V tabelah smo prikazali skupne podatke evropskih centrov, slovenskih centrov in mariborskega centra za IVF iz zadnjih šestih poročil EIM. Rezultati: Od leta 2000-2005 se je število postopkov OBMP v Evropi povečalo, zvišal se je delež postopkov vnosa semenčice v citoplazmo jajčne celice (ICSI) in prenosa odmrznjenih zarodkov (POZ). V Sloveniji smo v tem obdobju zaznali enak trend povečevanja števila postopkov OBMP, deležev postopka ICSI in postopka POZ. Delež otrok, rojenih po postopkih OBMP, se je v Evropi gibal od 0,2 % do 4,2 %, v Sloveniji je bil med najvišjimi v Evropi in je leta 2005 dosegel 3,9 %. Starostna struktura bolnic se v evropskih in slovenskih centrih ni pomembno razlikovala, povečal pa se je delež žensk, starejših od 40 let. V evropskih centrih so najpogosteje prenašali 2 ali 3 zarodke, opaziti je tudi porast prenosa enega zarodka, ki je najizrazitejši v mariborskem centru za IVF. Deleži zanositev so bili med evropskimi in slovenskimi centri primerljivi, izstopali so nekoliko višji deleži zanositev s postopki IVF in ICSI v mariborskem centru. V letu 2005 se je delež dvoplodnih nosečnosti v mariborskem centru znižal na 24 %, vendar je bil kljub temu nekoliko višji od evropskega in slovenskega povprečja. Najpogostejši zapleti pri postopkih OBMP je bil sindrom ovarijske hiperstimulacije (OHSS), ki pa se je pojavil v manj kot 1 %. Zaključek: Dostopnost in uspešnost postopkov OBMP v slovenskih centrih in v mariborskem centru za IVF sta bili v opazovanem obdobju nad evropskim povprečjem.