Author/Editor     Pušnik, Danijela
Title     Vloga medicinske sestre v obravnavi spolnih motenj pri pacientih z rakom
Type     članek
Source     In: Skela-Savič B, Hvalič-Touzery S, Zurc J, et al, editors. Evidence-based health care - opportunities for linking health care professions, patient needs and knowledge. Proceedings of lectures with peer review of the 4th International scientific conference on nursing and health care research; 2011 Jun 9-10; Ljubljana. Jesenice: College of Nursing,
Publication year     2011
Volume     str. 519-27
Language     slo
Abstract     Background: Cancer and cancer treatment causes physical and psychosocial consequences for patient, including sexual dysfunction. The treatment of sexuality in cancer patients is part of the comprehensive care involving also nursing professionals. There are several factors preventing a comprehensive treatment of sexual disorders, including a lack of knowledge and communications skills, personal and cultural beliefs, and the presence of stereotypes. Method: The aim of the study was to determine the position of Slovenian oncology nurses on the treatment of sexual disordes in cancer patients. A quantitative method was used. The data was obtained using a partially strctured questionnaire and was completed by 70% of nurses. The date was analyzed in an Excel table and statistically significant differences between variables were computed with chi-square test. Results: A total of 56 nurses who participated in the survey have a college degree (78 % of respondeds). Overall, 64 % believe that they have adequate knowledge of sexual disorders, and the majority has gained this knowledge by reading professional literature (37%). When asked how often they treat sexual disorders, 41 % of respondents replied occasionally. Respondents see and obstacle in the treatment of sexual disorders in that patients do not discuss sex (33 %), that patients do not want to talk about sexual disfunction (23 %), inadequate facilities (13 %), and personal communication barriers (11 %). Discussion: Despite the fact that a large proportion of nurses has adequate knowledge, they do not use it in practice. Targeted training and education is required in the future, particularly in the area of communication skills.
Summary     Teoretična izhodišča: Rak in zdravljenje raka povzroča tako fizične kot psihosocialne posledice pri pacientu, med katere sodijo tudi spolne motnje. Obravnava spolnosti pri onkoloških pacientih je del celostne oskrbe, v katero so vključene tudi medicinske sestre. Obstaja več dejavnikov, ki ovirajo celostno obravnavo spolnih motenj, med katere sodi pomanjkanje znanja in komunikacijskih veščin, osebna in kulturna prepričanja ter prisotnost stereotipov. Metoda: Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti, kakšno je stališče medicinskih sester v onkologiji v slovenskem prostoru do obravnave spolnih motenj pri onkoloških pacientih. Uporabljena je bila kvantitativna metoda. Podatki so bili pridobljeni s pomočjo delno strukturiranega vprašalnika, katerega je izpolnilo 70 % medicinskih sester. Podatki so bili obdelani v Excelovi tabeli, statistično pomembne razlike med spremenljivkami pa s hi-kvadratom. Rezultati: Od 56 medicinskih sester, ki so sodelovale v raziskavi, jih je največ z visokošolsko izobrazbo (78 ). 64 % jih meni, da imajo ustrezna znanja s področja spolnih motenj, največ si jih je ta znanja pridobilo s prebiranjem strokovne literature (37 %). Na trditve, ki se nanašajo na izvajanje aktivnosti v obravnavi spolnih motenj, je bilo 41 % vseh odgovorov občasno. Kot oviro v obravnavi spolnih motenj navajajo, da se pacienti ne pogovarjajo o spolnosti (33 %), da se pacienti ne želijo pogovarjati o spolnih motnjah (23%), neustrezni prostori (13%) ter osebne komunikacijske ovire (11 %). Razprava: Kljub temu, da ima velik delež medicinskih sester ustrezna znanja, jih v praksi ne realizirajo. Potrebna bodo ciljana usposabljanja in izobraževanja, predvsem s področja komunikacijskih veščin.
Descriptors     NEOPLASMS