Author/Editor     Pungartnik, Janja; Pajnkihar, Majda
Title     Potrebe svojcev kritično bolnega pacienta
Translated title     The nedds of criticaly ill patient family members
Type     članek
Source     In: Železnik D, Kaučič BM, editors. Gradimo prihodnost: odprti za spremembe in nove izzive na področju raziskovanja zdravstvenih in socialnih ved. Slovenj Gradec: Visoka šola za zdravstvene vede,
Publication year     2011
Volume     str. 366-75
Language     slo
Abstract     Background: Identifying the needs of relatives of critically ill patients is an important part of family centered nursing care. In Slovenia the needs of critically ill family members have never been established. The purpose of the study is to determine the needs of critically ill patients family members. Research methodology: Qualitative methodology was used. The questionnaire Critical Care Family Needs Inventory was used for data collection in order to identify the needs of critically ill patients family members. Respondents wereasked to assess the needs by the 4-points Likert type scale. 71 relatives of critically ill patients participated in the study. The data colected was statistically processed by SPSS 17 software. Results: Assurence (3,74 +- 0,385)is the most important need for critically ill family members and is immediately followed by the need for information (3,39 +- 0,442). Differences between certainty, information, proximity, support and comfort were found out as statistically significant (p=0,001). Conclusions: Certainty is the most important need of critically ill family members at the Intensive Care Unit. We should start with additional education of Critical care nurses in Slovenia, for identifying the needs and providing adequate support to critically ill patients family members.
Summary     Teoretična izhodišča: Ugotavljanje potreb svojcev kritično bolnih pacientov je v tujini pomemben del k družini usmerjene zdravstvene nege. V slovenskem prostoru problem potreb svojcev kritično bolnih pacientov še ni bil obravnavan. Namen raziskave je ugotoviti potrebe svojcev kritično bolnih pacientov, ki se zdravijo na oddelku za intenzivno medicino. Raziskovalna metodologija: Uporabljena je bila kvantitativna metodologija. Za zbiranje podatkov je bil uporabljen vprašalnik za ugotavljanje potreb svojcev kritično bolnih pacientov (Critical care family needs inventory). Potrebe so anketiranci ocenjevali s štiristopenjsko Likertovo lestvico. Anketiranih je bilo 71 svojcev kritično bolnih pacientov. Podatki so bili statistično obdelani s programskim orodjem SPSS 17. Rezultati: Za svojce kritično bolnih pacientov je najpomembnejša potreba po gotovosti (3,74 +- 0,385) in takoj za njo potreba po informacijah (3,3 +- 0,442). Razlike med potrebami so statistično značilne (p=0,001). Sklep: Glede na to, da je gotovost najpomembnejša potreba svojcev kritično bolnih pacientov, ki se zdravijo na oddelku za intenzivno medicino, je v Sloveniji potrebno pričeti z dodatnim izobraževanjem medicinskih sester, zaposlenih na oddelkih za intenzivno medicino, zaradi ugotavljanja potreb in nudenja ustrezne podpore svojcem kritično bolnih pacientov.