Author/Editor     Pertot, Anja; Čuček-Pleničar, Marjana; Horvat, Josip; Burger, Helena
Title     Usklajenost dela v ambulanti za spinalno ortotiko s smernicami Združenja za zdravljenje bolnikov s skoliozo (SOSORT)
Translated title     Agreement of practice in a spinal orthotics outpatient clinic with the SOSORT guidelines
Type     članek
Source     Rehabilitacija
Vol. and No.     Letnik 10, št. 2
Publication year     2011
Volume     str. 11-5
Language     slo
Abstract     Background: Scoliosis is a complex structural deformity of the spine, in which there is an abnormal curvature of the vertebral column on all three spatial axes. The condition manifests itself with a lateral curvature on the frontal plane, inversion on sagittal plane and vertebral rotation on axial plane. In smaller curvatures the therapy consists of physiotherapeutic approach and braces. In 2006, the Guideline Committee of the International Society on Scoliosis Orthopaedic and Rehabilitation Treatment (SOSORT) prepared indications for conservative management of scoliosis. The aim of the study was to compare the work in our out-patient clinic at the University Rehabilitation Institute in Ljubljana to those guidelines over a five year period. Methods: Data were collected from patient records of all children treated with brace in the years 2005-2009. We collected basic demographic dataand data on diagnosis, curve magnitude, Risser grade, type of brace, compliance, physiotherapy, number of radiographic controls and therapy outcome. Results: In the studied period, 105 children were treated, 74 girls and 31 boys, with an average age at the first check-up of 12.1 years. The most frequent diagnosis was adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (61%). The mean curve magnitude was 29.3⁰. Among the 53 cases of idiopathic scoliosis with complete data, 44 were treated according to the SOSORT guidelines. Conclusions: In the majority of the cases, the work in our out-patient clinic was done according to the international guidelines. The existing team of experts has to be upgraded with a specially educated physiotherapist.
Summary     Izhodišča: Skolioza je tridimenzionalna deformacija hrbtenice, ki se izrazi kot rotacija in odklon vretenc v frontalni in sagitalni ravnini. Pri manjših krivinah je zdravljenje konservativno s fizioterapevtskimi tehnikami in ortozami. Smernice za konservativno zdravljenje z ortozami je leta 2006 pripravilo Mednarodno združenje za ortopedsko in rehabilitacijsko zdravljenje skolioze (SOSORT). Namen članka je bil pregledati delo v ambulanti za spinalno ortotiko v petletnem obdobju in ga primerjati s smernicami združenja SOSORT. Metode: Pregled dokumentacije vseh otrok, obravnavanih v ambulanti za spinalno ortotiko na Univerzitetnem rehabilitacijskem inštitutu - Soča (URI-Soča) v letih od 2005 do 2009. Zbrali smo osnovne demografske podatke, podatke o diagnozi, velikosti krivine, kostni starosti, vrsti predpisane ortoze, času dnevne uporabe ortoze, napotitvi na fizioterapijo, številu ponovnih pregledov na leto, številu ponovnih rentgenskih preiskav in izidu terapije. Rezultati: V tem obdobju smo spremljali 105 otrok, 71 deklic in 34 dečkov, katerih povprečna starost pri prvem pregledu je bila 12,1 let. Najpogosteje smo otroke spremljali zaradi adolescentne idiopatske skolioze (61%). Srednja velikost primarne krivine je bila 29,3⁰. V skladu s smernicami zdruŽenja SOSORT je bilo izmed 53 otrok z idiopatsko skoliozo, za katere smo imeli popolne podatke, zdravljenih 44 otrok. Zaključki: Delo v ambulanti za spinalno ortotiko na URI-Soča v večini primerov poteka v skladu s smernicami. Dosedanji tim sodelavcev bi bilo nujno potrebno dopolniti s posebej usposobljenim fizioterapevtom.
Descriptors     SCOLIOSIS