Author/Editor     Bečaj, J
Title     Dvojna funkcija socialne interakcije. 1. del: problem odnosa med človekom in njegovim socialnim okoljem ter vprašanje sociodiamičnih zakonitosti socialno-psiholoških fenomenov
Translated title     The twofold function of social interaction
Type     članek
Source     Anthropos
Vol. and No.     Letnik 25, št. 1-2
Publication year     1993
Volume     str. 90-105
Language     slo
Abstract     One of the main as yet unsolved problems in modem social psychology is the relation between an individual and the social envrronment. The problem is closely related to the question of social motivation, which has not been dealt with thoroughly enough. The problem appears soluble if the Piaget model of the relation between organic regulation and cognitive processes is taken into account. According to this model, the social environment is of existential importance foran individual, due to the undividual being biologicalty inadequately equioped which instead is replaced with a quality cognitive apparatus enabling the individual to communicate with abstract topics. In accordance with this model, social interaction as a summary of all social contacts can be divided into two broad areas: the function of primary social interaction is the formation, maintenance and transition of the existentialty important structural model of the environment which an individual does not acquire by means of biology, but which is nonetheless vital for the individual's existence. The secondary level of social interaction enables an individual to be more effecient in a group, which however is besed on secondary motivation and is not existentialty vital. An individual and the social environment cannot be dichotomised on the former level, whereas on the latter such dichotomisation is obvious and necessary.