Author/Editor     Čolić, M; Vučević, D; Stojanovič, N; Lukić, T; Gašić, S; Popović, Lj; Pavlović, D; Pejnović, N; Dujić, A
Title     Similarities and differences in phenotypical and functional characteristics of cloned thymic epithelial cell lines
Translated title     Sličnosti i razlike fenotipskih i funkcionalnih osobina kloniranih epitelnih ćelijskih linija timusa
Type     članek
Source     Vojnosanit Pregl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 51, št. 4 Suppl
Publication year     1994
Volume     str. 9-12
Language     eng
Abstract     Two rat thymic epithelial ceH (TEC) lines (R-TNC.l and TE-R 2.5) have been established. Mul~marker phenotypical analysis showed that they are of cortical and medullarx o1igin, respectively. These lines possessed certain common functicnal activities, such as binding of thymocytes, stimulation of non-adherent thymocyte (NAT) proliferation in a ConA assay and production of IL-l, IL-6 as well as macrophage proliferation factor(s). Some differences were also observed. The R-TNC.l line had nursing activity manifested as thymocyte emperiopolesis. In addition, it stimulated the proliferation both of thymocytes and thymic T-cell hybridomas of immature phenotype. In contrast, the TE-R 2.5 line inhibited the growth of these hybridomas and the inhibition was shown to be dependent on dir.ect cell-cell contacts.