Author/Editor     Broeders, Sylvia; Pauwels, Katia; De Loose, Marc; Ovesna, Jaroslava; Buhk, Hans-Joerg; Prins, Theo W; Sowa, Slawomir; Milavec, Mojca; Henry, Christine; Plan, Damien; Van den Bulcke, Marc
Title     Task force on detecting and identifying crops produced with the new plant-breeding techniques - report: new plant breeding techniques challenges for detection and identification: report from the New techniques task force (NTTF)
Type     članek
Source     In: Lusser M, Parisi C, Plan D, et al, editors. New plant breeding techniques: state-of-the-art and prospects for commercial development. Luxembourg: European Union, Publications Office,
Publication year     2011
Volume     str. 157-201
Language     eng