Author/Editor     Jančar, Petra; Knez, Lea; Mrhar, Aleš
Title     Usklajevanje zdravljenja z zdravili pri prehodih bolnikov med različnimi ravnmi zdravstvene oskrbe
Translated title     Medication reconciliation at patients transition across the healthcare interfaces
Type     članek
Source     Farm Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 63, št. 2
Publication year     2012
Volume     str. 133-6
Language     slo
Abstract     Medication errors threaten the safety, effectiveness and quality of drug therapy. Poor communication at healthcare interfaces increases the risk for medication errors due to incomplete and incorrect medication histories. Medication reconciliation has long been recognized as a mean to reduce the number and severity of those medication errors. Medication reconciliation requires i) the provision of a complete and correct medication history, ii) the identification of discrepancies with the prescribed drug therapy and iii) the resolution of any unintended discrepancy with the prescribing clinician. All changes to a patient's drug therapy have to be motivated and documented to ensure their understanding by the patient and all healthcare providers involved in their drug therapy. This paper describes the core elements of medication reconciliation and provides evidence on the need for and the role of medication reconciliation in guaranteeing the safety and effectiveness of drug therapy.
Summary     Preprečevanje napak v zdravljenju z zdravili je med temelji zagotavljanja varne, učinkovite in kakovostne farmakoterapije. Slaba komunikacija med različnimi ravnmi zdravstvenega varstva predstavlja dodatno tveganje za napake v zdravljenju z zdravili, ki izvirajo iz pomanjkljive in netočne zgodovine zdravljenja z zdravili (ZZZ). Izvajanje usklajevanja zdravljenja z zdravili (UZZ) zmanjša število in resnost tovrstnih napak. Znotraj procesa UZZ pridobimo točno in popolno ZZZ, identificiramo neskladja med ZZZ in predpisano terapijo ter razrešimo tista, ki niso bila storjena namerno temveč so posledica pomanjkljivih informacij o bolnikovi ZZZ. Vse spremembe v bolnikovi terapiji in razloge zanje moramo ustrezno dokumentirati in zagotoviti, da bodo razumljive tako bolniku kakor tudi vsem zdravstvenim delavcem, ki sodelujejo v bolnikovem zdravljenju z zdravili. V tem prispevku opisujemo osnovne elemente UZZ in predstavljamo dokaze o potrebi po in vlogi UZZ pri zagotavljanju varnega in učinkovitega zdravljenja z zdravili.
Descriptors     DRUG THERAPY