Author/Editor     Cvirn.-Novak, Mateja; Čater, Nataša; Urbanc, Marina; Vovk, Tomaž
Title     Lekarniški farmacevt in bolezni ušes, nosu in grla
Translated title     Community pharmacist and diseases of ear, nose and throat
Type     članek
Source     Farm Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 63, št. 2
Publication year     2012
Volume     str. 122-32
Language     slo
Abstract     The inflammation of ear, nose, and throat is common disease and patients very frequently address the community pharmacists to help them. Based on collected information regarding the patient disease pharmacist can decide whether the patient can be self-treated or he/she needs to visit the doctor. Protocols forself-treatment are a useful tool to lead the patient during self-treatment process. This article reviews the medicinal products chosen for self-treatment of the inflammation of ear, sore throat and runny nose. Patient susing medicinal products for the chronic treatment of uninfectious diseases need medicinal product usage review. In this way patient therapy can be judged and appropriateness of self-treatment medicinal products can be assessed with the purpose to prevent complications and drug interactions. In patients that report difficulties connected to the medicinal products difficulties must be detected. Appropriate measures should be taken.
Summary     Vnetje ušes, nosu in grla je pogosta težava, zaradi katere se pacienti obrnejo na lekarniškega farmacevta. Njegovo poslanstvo je, da s pridobivanjem ustreznih informacij presodi ali se lahko pacient zdravi sam ali ga je potrebno napotiti k zdravniku. V ta namen uporabi pripravljen protokol in v procesu samozdravljenja posreduje verodostojne informacije o zdravilu. V preglednem članku smo predstavili izbor zdravil, ki jih lahko lekarniški farmacevt priporoči za lajšanje težav pri vnetju ušes, pri izcedku iz nosu ali pri obolelem žrelu. Pacienti, ki že jemljejo zdravila za zdravljenje kroničnih nenalezljivih bolezni, potrebujejo pregled uporabe zdravil. Pri tem lekarniški farmacevt pridobiva informacije o ustreznosti uporabe zdravil za samozdravljenje z namenom preprečevanja zapletov zaradi medsebojnih učinkov zdravil. Pacientom, ki že poročajo o težavah, povezanih z uporabo zdravil, je potrebno vzrok težav odkriti in ustrezno ukrepati.