Author/Editor     Majhenič, Janja; Mivšek, Ana Polona
Title     Mobing v babištvu
Translated title     Mobbing in midwifery
Type     članek
Source     Obz Zdrav Nege
Vol. and No.     Letnik 46, št. 2
Publication year     2012
Volume     str. 165-9
Language     slo
Abstract     Introduction: Mobbing or violence at workplace is a prevailing social phenomenon which can be manifested in various forms. It is present in all sectors, especially in health care, due to its strict hierarchical regulation.Destructive workplace conflicts among health professionals can affect also the clients and the quality of care provided. Early detection, solution of conflicts and prevention of mobbing is therefore of crucial importance. The aim of the article is to present a general review of available literature on mobbing in the workplace with special emphasis on mobbing in midwifery. Methods:The descriptive method of literature review was used. The data were collected from EBSCOhost, CINAHL and Medline databases. Discussion and conclusion: Foreign studies confirm that mobbing is present also in midwifery. Oftentimes, the targets of vertical and horizontal psychological harassment experience significant and long-lasting psychosomatic health problems and social consequences. Mobbing has been observed also among midwifery students. Indicative are the research results from Great Britain, according to which, half of the midwives reported some form of mobbing. Unhealthy and tenuous personal relationships often drive midwives to leave their profession. The high prevalence rate of workplace mobbing established in the study highlights the need for prevention, efficient interventions and a compliance with ethical code of this humane profession.
Summary     Izhodišča: Mobing ali nasilje na delovnem mestu je vsesplošen družbeni fenomen, ki ga najdemo v številnih oblikah. Prisoten je v vseh sektorjih, še posebej v zdravstvu, za katerega je značilna stroga hierarhija odnosov. Ker slabi medsebojni odnosi med zaposlenimi lahko vplivajo tudi na kakovost storitev ter posledično prizadanejo uporabnike, je izrednega pomena zgodnje odkrivanje ter reševanje konfliktov, predvsem pa preprečevanje mobinga. Z analizo literature želimo predstaviti dejstva o mobbingu na splošno in specifično za babiški poklic. Metode: Uporabljena je deskriptivna metoda dela - pregled literature. Podatki so zbrani s pomočjo podatkovnih baz EBSCOhost, CINAHL ter Medline. Diskusija in zaključki: Tuje raziskave so pokazale, da je mobing prisoten tudi v babištvu. Vertikalni in horizontalni mobing pušča duševne, psihosomatske pa tudi socialne posledice. Mobing v babištvu se ne pojavlja zgolj med zaposlenimi v tej stroki, temveč so ga deležni tudi študenti. V Veliki Britaniji se z mobingom srečuje skoraj polovica babic. Slabi delovni odnosi postajajo pogost razlog za zapuščanje poklica. Zavedati se je potrebno, da je babiški poklic human poklic in takšno bi naj bilo v skladu z etiko tudi obnašanje do sodelavcev, študentov (bodočih kolegov) ter žensk.